Conference Information
WICON 2020: International ICST Wireless Internet Conference
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Melbourne, Australia
CORE: c   QUALIS: b3   Viewed: 17019   Tracked: 4   Attend: 2

Call For Papers

Building on the last decade’s success, the WiCON 2020 aims to tackle the aforementioned challenges of emerging wireless Internet communications, covering topics ranging from technology issues to new applications and test-bed developments, mainly focusing on next-generation wireless Internet, 5G, 6G, IoT, Industrial IoT, Healthcare IoT, and related methodologies.

WiCON 2020 aims to bring together researchers, leading academic scientists to share their experiences and research findings on all aspects of Wireless Internet Communications. It also offers a leading interdisciplinary forum for academics, educators, and practitioners to present and discuss the latest technologies, developments, practical challenges and approaches to Wireless Internet.

Prospective authors are kindly encouraged to participate in the conference by sending Abstracts, Full Papers, and Posters of their work. Last but not the least, middleware and platform providers, application developers, and smart object providers are also welcome.

WiCON attendees will present novel ideas, exchange points of view, and foster collaborations. Papers, posters, and demos expressing the point of view of middleware and platform providers, smart object providers, application developers, and researchers are particularly welcome.


We have seen rapid advances in various networking technologies over the last decade, and many types of networking and systems are becoming central parts of our daily lives. Furthermore, it was pointed out that existing wireline networks are unable to handle immersive and high-resolution multimedia, smart applications such as smart city, smart grid, wearables, smart IoT, autonomous vehicles, etc. Various wireless networks such as wireless sensor networks, cellular communications (e.g. LTE-A), WLAN, WiMax, and etc. provide many benefits such as increased capacity, extended transmission ranges, versatility in deployment and operations, but they usually lack network robustness and performance to handle the exploding nature of IoT.

With the proliferation of future wireless technologies and electronic devices, there is a fast-growing interest in the Wireless Internet. Emerging Wireless Internet technologies are expected to carry massive amounts of data at exponentially faster speeds, performance, more resilience, and scalability than existing wired/wireless networks to support a multitude of IoT application scenarios.

The Wireless Internet should support a new architecture, new radio access techniques, and rapid evolution to provide end-to-end low latency communication, reliability, mobility, dynamic performance, capacity, energy efficiency, security, flexibility, and connection density for the multitude of IoT applications, AI-powered applications, and new services. As such the Wireless Internet should be tailored with new networking architectures, models, strategies to support the rapidly staggering number of things and enable users to access the Internet from anywhere and at any time under secure communication environment.


The works that will be presented at the conference will focus on the following topics:

    Wireless and Communication Network
    Wireless communication security
    Green wireless network architectures and communication protocols
    Internet of Things (IoT) based applications
    Industrial IoT
    Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
    Federated Learning in IoT
    Architecture and challenges related to LTE-A, LTE-R, PS-LTE, 5G, 6G, and beyond
    Convergence and interworking of heterogeneous wireless networks
    Mobile P2P networking, D2D, M2M
    Next-Generation Networking, Internet services, multimedia communications, and applications
    WLANs, WPANs, WBANs, WWAN, Wireless sensor networks, Ad-hoc and Mesh Network for future communication system
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Cognitive Radio, AI-Enabled Networks, Cooperative, Collaborative Communications, and relay networks
    SDN, Network Virtualization, Open Platform, Software and Services
    Heterogeneous Networks, Interference Management, and Radio Resource Management
    QoS, QoE, GoS, and SLA/SLM management and traffic modelling
    Fog and Edge computing architecture
    Cloud Computing and Networks
    Delay-tolerant networks, Content Delivery Network, and Content‐Centric Networking approaches for future communication system
    Blockchain-based security
    Blockchain and applications
    Algorithm design and performance analysis
    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET)
    Wireless access in vehicular environment (WAVE)
    Dedicated short-range communications (DSRC)
    Context-aware mobile network
    Tele-medicine/e-health networks
    Architectural support for security
    Security, privacy, and dependability issues
    Security in cooperative networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-07
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