Conference Information
IWANN 2025: International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
A Coruna, Spain
CORE: b   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 22347   Tracked: 19   Attend: 4

Call For Papers

One or more topics must be chosen from the following list, which will be considered as orientative and never as a limitation.

    Mathematical and theoretical methods in computational intelligence
    Deep Learning
    Learning and adaptation
    Emulation of cognitive functions
    Bio-inspired systems and neuro-engineering
    Advanced topics in computational intelligence
    Agent based models
    Time series forecasting
    Robotics and cognitive systems
    Interactive systems and BCI
    Machine Learning for 4.0 industry solutions
    AI Health
    AI in 5G technology
    Social and Ethical aspects of AI
    General Applications of AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-01
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