Conference Information
Big Data 2014: International Conference on Big Data
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Beijing, China
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Call For Papers
The 3rd ASE Conference series on Big Data Science and Computing(BigDataScience2014 Beijing) is the premier international forum for research on advancing the core scientific and technological means of managing, analyzing, visualizing, and extracting useful information from large, diverse, distributed and heterogeneous data sets. The program contains two tracks for paper submission.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

 Track 1 Big Data Science, Mining and Analytics

-Big Data Science: Theories, models, algorithms, benchmarking, curation, and methods for understanding big data

-Big Data Computing: Infrastructures, tools, programming, architectures, benchmarking, and testing of big data systems using Map/Reduce, Hadoop and others

- Big Data Mining: Acquisition, representation, indexing, storage, management, processing, pre-processing and post-processing of big data

- Big Data Analytics: Metrics, frameworks, evaluation, tools, analysis, visualization of big data

- Big Data Understanding: learning, knowledge discovery, business and consumer intelligence, user behavior, community discovery

 Track 2 Big Data Applications

- Big Data Applications: Industrial and scientific applications of big data such as search, recommendations, business intelligence, marketing, social media, healthcare, good practices and reproducibility.

- Big Data Privacy and Security: Data privacy enhancing technologies, privacy-preserving computing, risk analysis, modeling, and manage-ment, trustworthy computing, access control
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-02-22
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