ICECCO 2015: International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Computation Bookmark and Share
Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The Twelve International Conference on Electronics Computer and Computation “ICECCO 2015″ will be held on 27th September – 30th September at Suleyman Demirel University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The ICECCO 2015 aims are collaboration for researchers and developers from various areas of electronics and computing, developers and practitioners to explore and address the challenging research issues on e-technology with the purpose of developing a common research agenda and vision for electronics and computer sciences. The main focus of this conference is on the enabling technologies to facilitate next generation. By conducting this conference we hope to make a universal impact on the related subjects.

The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the Conference by presenting a research paper. Different kinds of papers are solicited, including research papers, lessons learned, status reports, discussion papers, etc. Acceptance of the papers will be mainly based on the following criteria: novelty and significance of results. Commercial and promotional papers and papers already published cannot be accepted.

The Conference provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and latest research results from universities and industries. With this respect we highly encourage PhD students to submit their research studies including preliminary results.


Wireless and Mobile Networks
Interesting Application
Mobile Application
Artificial Intelligence
Scientific Computation Techniques and Scientific Programming
Smart Grids Applications
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Education
Computer Vision
Neural Networks
Modeling and Simulation
3D Modeling
Signal Processing: Adaptive Filtering, Blind Estimation, Image procession
最終更新 Dou Sun 2015-06-22
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology2.100IEEE1536-125X
Abstract and Applied Analysis Hindawi1085-3375
bIEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications8.900IEEE1536-1276
International Journal of Instrumentation and Control Systems AIRCC2319-412X
bThe Computer Journal1.500Oxford University Press0010-4620
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems1.800Springer0932-4194
International Journal of Managing Public Sector Information and Communication Technologies AIRCC2230-7958
bIET Software1.500IET1751-8806
Animal Biotelemetry2.400Springer2050-3385
Applied Artificial Intelligence Taylor & Francis0883-9514