Información de la conferencia
UNet 2021: International Symposium On Ubiquitous Networking
Día de Entrega:
2021-03-01 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Marrakesh, Morocco
Vistas: 13010   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The sixth international symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (UNet’21) highlights new trends and findings in hot topics related to ubiquitous computing/networking. This event intends to bring together researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their recent progresses in all major areas of ubiquitous networking. The UNet’21 program will host special talks addressed by distinguished keynote speakers and highly reputed visionary experts, and will feature technical papers, tutorials, special sessions, and workshops.

Papers delivered at UNet 2021 will be published by IEEE (pending) and indexed by IEEE Xplore. They will also be submitted to SCOPUS, ISI, DBLP, Google Scholar, and other leading indexing services. Papers of particular merit will be recommended for a possible special issue in international journals (discussions are underway with several international journals for publishing the accepted papers). A PDF version of the call for papers can be found here. The conference invites two types of submissions: Full Technical Papers (up to 6 pages), and Short Technical Papers (up to 4 pages). A detailed description of papers submission procedure is available via this link. UNet 2021 will features thematic content, but not limited to, across the following tracks:

Track 1: Ubiquitous Communication Technologies and Networking

    Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz communications
    Modulation, coding, and diversity techniques 
    OFDM, MIMO, multi-user MIMO, and massive MIMO
    Multiple access techniques in wireless networks
    Optical wireless access networks
    Visible light communications and networks
    Free space optical communications and networking
    Power line communication technologies
    Maritime, space and underwater communications
    Beyond 4G and 5G communications
    Heterogeneous and small-cell networks
    Satellite communication and networks
    Physical-layer secrecy and privacy
    Quality of service provisioning schemes
    Cognitive and flexible radio
    Reprogrammable MAC and PHY layers
    Channel estimation, characterization, and synchronization techniques
    Optical data center networking
    Visible light positioning and navigation
    Ultraviolet communications and networks
    Optical wireless sensing and monitoring
    Optical switching technologies, devices, and architectures
    Energy harvesting and green wireless communications
    Software-defined mobile/wireless networks
    Mesh, relay, sensor and ad hoc networks
    Delay-tolerant and fault-tolerant networking
    Seamless inter-networking, self-organization and self-healing
    Routing in ubiquitous networks
    Resource management and optimization
    Integrated wireless/optical networks
    Mobility, localization, navigation, and handoff management
    Wireless broadcast, multicast and streaming
    Congestion and admission control
    Wireless BAN, PAN, LAN, MAN and WAN
    M2M and MTC communications
    Body area networks
    Dynamic bandwidth allocation in 4G, B4G, 5G and Pervasive Systems

Track 2: Tactile Internet and Ubiquitous Internet of Things

    Internet connectivity for IoT
    Data architectures, brokering and management
    Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC)
    Tactile Internet Use-Cases and Scenarios
    Robotic Communications and Control Systems
    PHY Design for URLLC and Tactile Internet
    MAC Design for URLLC and Tactile Internet
    Radio Resource Management for URLLC and Tactile Internet
    Security, privacy, trust, and access control for IoT
    Network Slicing for Tactile Internet and URLLC
    Edge and cloud computing for IoT
    Mobility, localization and management aspects of IoT
    Internet of Things scalable infrastructures, architectures and platforms
    Communications technologies: LoRa, Sigfox, LTE-M, NB-IoT, IEEE 802.11ah, etc.
    Beyond 4G and 5G involvement in IoT environment
    Innovative context aware IoT services and applications
    Crowdsensing and sourcing, and social IoT
    Incentive mechanisms for participatory crowdsensing/crowdsourcing applications
    Energy harvesting and green technologies for IoT
    Object naming in the IoT/IoE environments
    Fundamentals and characterization of IoE communications
    Multiple access protocols for IoT environment
    Resource management techniques for IoT environment
    Routing and control protocols for ultra-dense IoT environment
    Game theory, AI and machine learning for Tactile Internet and IoT
    Identity management and object recognition
    Embedded Systems, wearables devices, and Body Sensor Networks
    Multi-sensor fusion in IoT
    Distributed computing and storage in IoT
    Data Fusion and management, and big data analytics for IoT
    Autonomous vehicles and self-driving
    Cooperative driving for autonomous vehicles
    Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles (UAV) platforms and networking
    Standardization, regulation and industrial efforts for IoT
    Business models, monetization and ecosystems of IoT
    Lightweight communication protocols and data structures for IoT
    Radio Frequency Identification
    Low power chip/system design for IoT
    Communication Systems for Industry 4.0
    Integration of software defined networks with IoT
    Application-oriented solutions (Healthcare, Military, Supply Chains, Environment, Agriculture, Smart cities, Education, ...)
    Cyber Physical Systems design and networking
    Human-Machine Interfaces for Tactile Internet and URLLC
    Tactile Internet Prototypes, Test-beds and Demos
    Real-Time Interactive Systems for Tactile Internet
    Advanced technologies for dense and ultra-dense network deployment
    Clustering, topology control, coverage, and connectivity

Track 3: Mobile Edge Networking and Fog-Cloud Computing

    Mobile cloud networking, architectures, and platforms
    Cloud radio access networks
    Security, privacy and reliability for ubiquitous cloud computing
    Crowdsensing models and architectures
    Energy efficient resource allocation for cloud-based systems
    Resources management, provisioning, and migration in cloud systems
    Cloud data storage and management models
    Network and service functions virtualization, and programmable infrastructures
    SDN, objects abstraction and virtualization
    Fog and Edge computing
    Hybrid cloud integration
    X As A Service in ubiquitous clouds
    Resource management, optimization, and provisioning in the cloud
    Quality of Service for cloud applications
    Big Data analytics in clouds
    Virtualization aware networking
    Service modeling, specification, discovery, monitoring, control, composition, and brokering
    Techniques and methods for cloud design and analysis
    Cluster and smart Grid
    Vehicular and sensor cloud networks
    Consumer-centric applications and services using mobile edge platforms
    Cloud on Demand: agility and scalability
    Fog-based and Cloud Radio Access Networks
    Fog-Cloud interactions and enabling protocols
    Data centers and infrastructures
    Interaction between the edge and the cloud
    Cloud economics
    Risk compliance and governance for cloud networking
    Software development platforms and innovative applications
    Cloud service-level agreements and cloud context-level agreements
    Virtual network management and orchestration

Track 4: AI and Machine Learning for Ubiquitous Communications

    Machine learning and data mining
    Deep learning for wireless and mobile networks
    Deep reinforcement learning for wireless and mobile networks
    Federated learning for wireless and mobile networks
    Artificial intelligence and decision support systems
    Formal methods, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and ant colony optimization
    Game-theoretic models and application in pervasive systems
    Cooperation, competition, learning and autonomy in pervasive systems

Track 5:Data Engineering, Cyber Security and Pervasive Services

    Data engineering models, data science and big data
    Data Grids, Data Warehousing, and OLAP
    Multimedia streaming over mobile networks
    Collaborative streaming and on Demand video streaming
    Analytics for information centric networking decision in 5G
    Provisioning user QoE and QoS in ICN
    Big Data analytics and applications in pervasive systems
    Big Data platforms for 5G
    Data classification, retrieval, clustering, and visualization
    Knowledge discovery and transformation
    Data query processing and optimization in databases
    Temporal, spatial, sensor, and multimedia databases
    Distributed, Parallel, and Peer-to-Peer Databases
    Ubiquitous data management
    Context-aware and profile-aware pervasive systems
    Content caching/storage and dissemination in pervasive systems
    Adaptive, autonomic and context-aware computing
    Signal, image, and video processing for pervasive systems
    Storage systems protection and forensics
    Evidentiary aspects and forensics of digital crimes
    Legal and policy issues in cyber security and defense
    Availability, privacy, authentication, trust, access control, and key management
    Formal and theoretical techniques of cyber security
    Incident response techniques in networked and distributed systems
    Security and privacy in wireless and mobile systems
    Cyber security engineering
    Intrusion Detection
    Risk analysis and management in cyber security
    Cybercrime scenarios modeling, analysis, and investigation
    Hypothetical reasoning in cyber incident response
    Collaborative and distributed techniques for cyber defense and cyber investigation
    Active, adaptive, and intelligent defense systems
    Embedded security
    Evidence preservation, management, storage and reassembly
    Anti-forensics and anti-anti forensics prevention, detection, and analysis
    Multimedia security
    Traffic jamming and defenses
    Lightweight security techniques
    Cyber security and defense in Big Data
    Large-scale investigations in large networks and Big Data
    Privacy and Security in Big Data
    Security and privacy in clouds
    Techniques for tracking and trace-back of attacks in ubiquitous systems
    Data hiding, extraction, and recovery technique
    Security in distributed, virtual, and cloud environments
    Cyber security architectures
    Defense in depth
    Cybersecurity of industrial control systems and critical infrastructures
    Cyber physical systems security
    Supervisory control and data acquisition security
    Consensus protocols for blockchains
    Novel blockchains applications
    blockchain engineering and design
    consensus and blockchains protocols
    Novel attacks against blockchains
    Bio-inspired security
    P2P services for multimedia
    Self-adaptation on the service layer
    Mobility Issues and continuity of services
    Emerging Internet applications
    Context and location-awareness in pervasive systems
    Emerging wireless and mobile applications
    User interfaces, user-machine interactions
    Mobile health care and medical applications
    Provisioning, measuring and controlling QoS, QoE, QoC and QoI in Pervasive Environments
    Economics of pervasive systems
    Economic and management aspects of cyber security and privacy
    New Business Models for Pervasive Systems
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2021-01-31
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Revistas Relacionadas
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Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling2.700Elsevier1093-3263
ACM Computing Surveys23.80ACM0360-0300
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems4.000IEEE2372-2533
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