Conference Information
HLPP 2024: International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications
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Pisa, Italy
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Call For Papers
The 17th HLPP symposium will be held in Pisa, Italy, as a two-day meeting (July 4-5, 2024) in the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa. The HLPP symposium series aims to provide attendees with a focused and in-depth platform for presentations, discussion, and interaction in the parallel computing area with a particular focus on high-level parallel programming approaches.

We invite papers – max 20 pages Springer-Nature journal format — on topics related to all aspects of research, development, and application of high-performance systems with a focus on high-level programming of multi-/many-cores, heterogeneous compute clusters, highly parallel machines and distributed infrastructures.

The complete “Topics of Interest” list is provided below and on the symposium website. Submissions within the scope of this symposium series are highly encouraged, including unlisted but related topics.

Authors of accepted research papers will be invited to submit their work to the Spinger-Nature International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP) Special Issue of the HLPP 2024 symposium. The Special Issue has already been confirmed.

TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to:

    High-level parallel and distributed programming models, libraries, and tools
    High-level parallel programming for heterogeneous platforms with HW accelerators
    Parallel performance models and performance portability
    High-Performance Data Analytics and Machine Learning using high-level approaches
    Programming models, languages, and patterns for the Compute Continuum
    High-level parallelism in programming languages and libraries: semantics and implementation
    Verification of declarative parallel and distributed programs
    Efficient code generation, auto-tuning, and optimization for parallel and distributed programs
    Model-driven software engineering for parallel and distributed systems
    Domain-specific languages: design, implementation and applications
    Parallel and distributed applications using high-level languages and libraries
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-31
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