Información de la conferencia
BWCCA 2015: International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications
Día de Entrega:
2015-07-31 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Krakow, Poland
Vistas: 11613   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The aim of this conference is to present the innovative researches, and technologies as well as developments related to broadband networking, mobile networking and wireless communications. The conference seeks original contributions in all relevant areas, including but not limited to the following topics:

    Broadband Networks Application
    Heterogeneous Networking
    High-speed Network Protocols
    Routing Algorithms
    Congestion Control
    Call Admission Control
    Multimedia Communication and Applications
    WDM Networks
    Distributed Algorithms and Systems
    Wireless Communication Protocols, Systems and Applications
    Wireless Networks Modeling
    Wireless Positioning and Tracking Systems
    Wireless Home Automation Technologies
    Wireless Systems and Applications
    Ubiquitous Computing Applications
    Lower Power Mobile Devices
    Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
    Mobile Agent Framework
    Mobility and Location Management
    Mobile Networking Applications
    Ad Hoc, Sensor and Mesh Networks
    Autonomic Computing and Networking
    Vehicular Networks
    Pervasive and Ubiquitous Networks
    Network Security and Privacy
    Intelligent Networking
    Social Networking
    Interoperable Networks
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2015-07-17
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