Conference Information
DependSys 2024: IEEE International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, & Big Data Systems & Applications
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Wuhan, China
Viewed: 14199   Tracked: 9   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
Welcome Message

IEEE DependSys 2024 conference is the 10th event in the series of conferences which offers a timely venue for bringing together new ideas, techniques, and solutions for dependability and its issues in sensor, cloud, and big data systems and applications. As we are deep into the Information Age, huge amounts of data are generated every day from sensors, individual archives, social networks, Internet of Things, enterprises and Internet in various scales and format which will pose a major challenge to the dependability of our designed systems. As these systems oftentend to become inert, fragile, and vulnerable after a period of running. Effectively improving the dependability of sensor, cloud, big data systems and applications has become increasingly critical.

This conference provides a forum for individuals, academics, practitioners, and organizations who are developing or procuring sophisticated computer systems on whose dependability of services they need to place great confidence. Future systems need to close the dependability gap in face of challenges in different circumstances. The emphasis will be on differing properties of such services, e.g., continuity, effective performance, real-time responsiveness, corruption, anomaly, ability to avoid catastrophic failures, prevention of deliberate privacy intrusions, reliability, availability, sustainability, adaptability, heterogeneity, security, safety, and so on.

Scope and Topics

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Dependability and Security Fundamentals and Technologies

Concepts, theory, and methodologies
Dependability of sensor, networks
Dependability issues in cloud/fog/edge
Security and privacy
Security/privacy in cloud/fog/edge
Artificial intelligence
Big data foundation and management
Dependable IoT supporting technologies

Track 2 : Dependable and Secure Systems

Dependable sensor systems
Dependability issues in distributed systems
Cyber-physical systems
Database and transaction processing systems
Safety and security in distributed systems
Dependability in automotive systems
Dependability in big data systems
Software system security
Blockchain-based systems

Track 3: Dependable and Secure Applications

Sensor and robot applications
Big data applications
Cloud/fog/edge applications
Safety care, medical care and services
Aerospace, transportation applications
Energy, smart city, smart grid
IoT, CPS and industrial application

Track 4 : Dependability and Security Measures and Assessments

Metrics and measures for safety, trust, faith
Levels and assessment criteria and authority
Dependability measurement, modeling
Dependability evaluation
Software reliability and verification
Hardware reliability and verification
Evaluations and tools
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-06-25
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