Conference Information
MicroCom 2016: International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication
Submission Date:
2015-11-16 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Durgapur, India
Viewed: 10855   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The conference MicroCom 2016 will include technical sessions, tutorial, keynote address, plenary talk and invited talk by eminent scientist, distinguished faculties from India /Abroad. The perspective authors are invited to submit their original manuscripts which are not submitted or under review or published in any other conference or journal. 


Papers are invited on the following track but not limited to:


     Emerging Materials and Devices
     Device Processing
     MEMS / NEMS and Sensors
     Optoelectronic Devices
     Solar Cells
     Nano-electronic Devices
     VLSI circuits, SoC and Embedded System


     Soft Computing Techniques and Applications
     Green Energy Harvesting
     Power System, Control System
     Bio-computation and Bioinformatics
     Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
     Neural Network, Fuzzy Systems
     Simulation and Modelling
     Big data and data mining
     Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing


     Mobile, Wireless, Broadband Communications
     Optical Communications
     RF and Microwave Communications
     Signal Processing for Communications
     DSP Algorithms and Architectures
     Image, Video Signal Processing
     Biomedical Applications and Bioinformatics
      Pattern Analysis and Classification
     EMI & EMC Techniques
     Antenna Systems
      RFID Based Systems
     Cognitive Radio Design
     MIMO & UWB Systems
     Channel Estimation, Detection and Coding
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-10-12
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