SpliTech 2024: International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies
Split and Bol, Croatia
閲覧: 11299   追跡: 1   出席: 3


Energy Efficiency and Assessment in Buildings/cities with Aplications
- Integration of renewable energy in buildings and cities
- Building retrofit and refurbishment
- Business development and energy services for sustainable buildings and cities
- Low energy architectures
- Energy efficient buildings
- Highly-efficient insulation
- HVAC systems in the building applications
- Novel sustainable building materials and techniques
- Passive heating and cooling
- Sustainable energy management in buildings
- Zero CO2 and energy plus buildings
- Heating and ventilating control systems for reduced energy use
- Building management systems
- Low energy building technology
- Low energy lighting systems
- High-output light LED lighting systems
- Passive solar heating systems.
- Life cycle analysis methodologies
- Tools and life cycle analysis
- Triple-bottom-line analysis
- Energy efficient lighting systems and regulation
- Environmental management systems
- Environmental impact assessment systems
- Environmental Sustainability and Development

Power system operation and planning with smart energy networks
- Smart grid technologies
- Reliability and implications of smart grids for asset management
- Smart grids for efficient integration of renewables and distributed generation
- Large-scale modelling and smart integration of distributed energy sources
- Impact of renewable and distributed generation on networks and security of supply
- Imbalances caused by renewable energies and distributed generation
- Generation and Demand forecasting, modelling and management
- Modelling, analysis and operation of mixed AC-DC power systems
- Impact of new technologies on the power system (FACTS/HVDC)
- Electric vehicle and energy storage applications and system integration
- System balancing, short-term reserve and ancillary services
- Intelligent monitoring and outage management – self healing grids
- Advanced metering, data acquisition and monitoring
- State estimation and situational awareness
- Stability analysis of future networks
- Demand side management
- Reversible hydro generation

Materials, fuels and power storage systems
- Battery systems
- Hybrid energy systems
- Advanced energy systems
- Flywheel systems
- Super-capacitors
- Bio fuel
- Grätzel cells
- Fuel cell technology
- Bio-mass generation schemes
- Stirling cycle engines
- Bio-fuelled diesel generators
- Nanomaterials in energy applications
- Biomaterials in energy applications
- Electronic and magnetic materials

Renewable/clean energy sources and technologies with control and optimisation
- Photovoltaics
- Solar thermal
- Biomass
- Geothermal systems
- Micro-wind turbines
- Horizontal and vertical axis aero-generators
- On-site, off-grid, grid-supplemented generation systems
- Combined heat and power (CHP) and micro-CHP systems
- Smart monitoring and control using intelligent systems
- High-efficiency switching systems
- Highly-efficient voltage conversion systems
- Novel high efficiency distribution systems and low voltage busses

Sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Green Information Technology (IT) performance
- Environmentally sustainable computing
- Energy-efficient systems
- Sustainable behaviour and ICT in homes and premises
- Sustainable practices in intelligent buildings
- Intelligent systems for sustainability
- Smart, sustainable, and Economy systems
- Processes and cloud computing

Policy perspective and governance on sustainability in energy and buildings
- Environmental policy
- Air pollution policy
- Water pollution policy
- Land management
- Waste management
- Biomass management
- Social aspects
- Green Manufacturing
- Governance of sustainability in energy and buildings
- Green economy and governance
- Green energy and environment
- Regional development
- Financial and regulatory mechanisms models and tools

Engineering Modelling

Computational Electromagnetics
- Electromagnetic compatibility,
- Antennas and propagation,
- Microwaves,
- Wireless Power Transfer,
- Radar Systems,
- Lightning Protection Systems,
- RFiD

Advanced numerical methods
- Advances in computational methods,
- Large-scale problems,
- Finite Element Method (FEM),
- Finite Diference Method (FDM),
- Boundary Element Methods (BEM),
- Combined finite-discrete element method,
- Method of Moments (MoM),
- Hybrid methods

Computational mechanics
- Heat transfer
- Fluid flow
- Solid mechanics,
- Damage mechanics and fracture,
- Vibrations

Civil engineering
- Numerical modelling of materials,
- Numerical modelling of structures
- Numerical modelling in polymer mechanic
- Computational visualization in Engineering
- Computational fluid dynamic

Industrial applications
- Electric vehicles
- Automotive applications
- Urban transport
- Corrosion problems
- Process simulation
- Fusion engineering
- Nanotechnology

Biomedical engineering
- Biomedical applications and engineering solutions
- Biomechanics
- Bioelectromagnetics
- Biomehatronics

Environmental modeling
- Modeling of air pollution
- Renewables
- Photovoltaics
- Wind turbines

Smart Environment / Cities

Theories and Models
- Artificial and Computational Intelligence
- Citizen engagement and smart governance
- Digital city and smart growth
- Environmental capital reduction
- Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction
- Reliability, Privacy and Trust
- Internet of Things, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
- Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality
- Intelligent infrastructure
- Pedestrian and bicyclist safety; mobility systems
- Smart city theory, modeling and simulation

Technology, Methodologies and Tools
- Agent Technologies
- Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies
- Development Processes and Tools
- Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities
- Networking and Communication
- Open data and big data analytics
- Sensors and Actuators

- Ambient Assisted Living
- Mobility Support
- Robotic Companions
- Energy Effiency
- Intelligent vehicle-to-infrastructure integration
- Support for Productive Collaborations
- Technology Supported Education
- Smart city for Special Needs
- Smart economy development
- Smart environment and policy development
- Smart Farming
- Smart health and emergency management
- Smart home and smart buildings
- Smart manufacturing and logistics
- Smart mobility and transportation

Systems and Infrastructures
- Architecture and Design
- Environmental monitoring technologies
- Intelligent and Smart Spaces
- Safety and security systems
- Satellite systems
- Smart integrated grids
- Smart traffic system operations
- System Architecture and Middleware for Intelligent Environments

Evaluation and Corpora
- Evaluation Paradigms and Campaigns
- Data Acquisition, Labelling and Data Sets
- User Studies and Trials
- Smart city Implementation

Internet of Things
- Applications for the Internet of Things
- Novel quality requirements and their enforcement mechanisms
- Cloud back-ends and resource management for IoT applications
- Reliability, security, timeliness, and robustness considerations in IoT systems
- IoT-motivated cyber-physical, Industrial Internet, and/or embedded system challenges
- Social computing and human-in-the-loop issues
- Sensing, control, and actuation in IoT architectures
- Novel protocols and network abstractions
- Data streaming architectures
- Analytic foundations and theory of the Internet of Things
- Privacy challenges
- Industrial deployment experiences, case studies, and lessons learned
- Evaluation and testbeds

Internet technologies and applications
- Ad-hoc networks
- Big data/Big connectivity
- Data-mining
- Distributed systems/High Performance Computing (HPC)
- e-Business/e-Commerce, e-Learning/e-Society
- Grid Computing
- Internet applications and Services
- Internet hardware and software with algorithms and optimization
- Internet technologies
- Music and audio
- Protocols and standards
- Robotics
- Satellite technologies
- Simulation and Modelling
- System/s failure
- TrafficTraffic policies/Traffic shaping
- Visualisation
- Wireless networks


Medical, Biomedical and Health Informatics
- Electronic medical records (EMR) and electronic prescription
- Data preprocessing, cleansing, management and mining
- Data quality assessment and improvement
- Medical imaging
- Computer-aided detection, hypothesis generation and diagnosis
- Evidence-based medicine
- Evolutionary and longitudinal patient and disease models
- Clinical workflow
- Medication adherence and health monitoring
- Smart health and big data
- Devices
- High-confidence medical devices
- Integration of medical devices with e-Health
- Medical device interoperability
- Wearable devices
- In/on/around-body sensors and actuators
- Biosensors at the micro/nano-scale
- Smart garments/textiles
- Wireless energy transfer
- Energy harvesting

Communications and Networking
- Communication/network infrastructures, architectures and protocols for e-Health
- Antennas and propagation
- Proximity-based communication, group communication and social networks
- Power-efficient communication
- Ultra wideband communication
- Delay-tolerant, fault-tolerant and reliable communication
- Cognitive communication for medical bands
- In-hospital networking, body area networking and cloud-integrated networking
- Software-defined networks and network management
- Nanoscale/molecular communications
- Network coding and error detection/correction

Signal/Data Processing and Systems
- Context awareness and situation awareness
- Image/video processing and computer/robot vision
- Internet of things, Ambient intelligence and pervasive computing
- Augmented reality and human-computer interaction
- Motion detection and activity recognition
- User modeling and personalization
- Robotics for e-Health
- Computing/storage infrastructures for e-Health such as clouds and virtualization
- Software, systems and performance engineering for e-Health

Services and Applications
- e-Health services/applications for physical and mental health; for example, in acute care, chronic care, mental health care, biomedical engineering, rehabilitation, prosthetics, elderly/nursing care, smart homes and hospitals, and rural/wilderness practice
- e-Health services/applications for sports and exercise; for example, in training prescription and feedback, concussion detection/monitoring, life-logging and fitness monitoring
- e-Health services/applications for public health; for example, disease prevention, pandemic preparedness, epidemiological interventions and smart cities
- e-Health services/applications for extreme environments; for example, in fire fighting, disaster response, evacuation assistance, medical triage, space travel/exploration, deep diving and deep sea exploration
- Quality of experience (QoE) with e-Health services/applications
- Security, privacy and trust for e-Health services/applications
- Emerging cloud-based services/applications including health clouds/grids 
最終更新 Dou Sun 2024-02-01
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Computational Social NetworksSpringer2197-4314
Microsystem Technologies2.276Springer0946-7076
Physics of Life Reviews11.02Elsevier1571-0645
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology1.254Wiley-Blackwell0899-9457
bJournal of Computer Science and Technology0.475SCIENCE PRESS1000-9000
bInformation and Software Technology2.730Elsevier0950-5849
cNetworks0.943Wiley Periodicals, Inc.1097-0037
Advances in OptoElectronicsHindawi1687-563X
bIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology2.254IEEE1051-8215
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology AIRCC0976-2280
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
Computational Social NetworksSpringer
Microsystem Technologies2.276Springer
Physics of Life Reviews11.02Elsevier
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology1.254Wiley-Blackwell
Journal of Computer Science and Technology0.475SCIENCE PRESS
Information and Software Technology2.730Elsevier
Networks0.943Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Advances in OptoElectronicsHindawi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology2.254IEEE
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology AIRCC