ICAEE' 2017: International Conference on Advanced Environmental Engineering
2017-11-27 Extended
Shenzhen, China
浏览: 11718   关注: 1   参加: 2

Topics of interest, but are not limited to:

Advanced Environmental Science and Technology

Environmental dynamics 	
Mathematics for Environmental Issues
Meteorology and Hydrology 	
Atmospheric physics 	
Physical oceanography
Climate and climatic changes 	
Biodiversity conservation 	
Advanced Environmental Chemistry
Modeling and decision support tools 	
Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Restoration Ecology and Application 	
Advanced Water Supply Engineering
Ecological quality assessment 	
Advanced Water Distribution System and Management
Environmental Remote Sensing and Application

Pollution Prevention and Control

Water management 	
Groundwater Pollution Control Technology
Water resource and water environment 	
Integrated Solid Waste Management
Air Pollution Control Technology 	
Air Pollution Chemistry
Indoor air pollution 	
Health and sanitary management
Transport and air pollution 	
Hazardous substances and detection techniques
Hazardous Waste Disposal Technology 	
Industrial wastewater treatment
Health and the Environment

Global Environmental Change and Ecosystems Management

Rational use of energy and renewable energy 	
Renewable sources of energy-energy savings
Recycling and reuse 	
Waste minimization
Emission sources 	
Sludge treatment and reuse
Water treatment and reclamation 	
Reuse of reclaimed waters
Optimization of collection systems 	
Waste valorization
Clean technologies 	Biofuels

Environmental Management and Policy

Environmental management and reporting 	
Sustainable development strategies
Social and ethical aspects 	
Multicriteria analysis for decision-making 	
Cleaner production and Circular Economy
Sustainable Management of Water Resource and Environment 	
Waste Management and Site Remediation
Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy 	
Ecological Quality Assessment
Natural media, Systems and Resources 	
Pollution Prevention and Control at Industrial and Territorial Level
Energy and Global Change 	
Environmental Planning and Management
Economic instruments 	
Global Environmental Issues 
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2017-11-04
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ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing2.500ACM1936-7228
aIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering6.500IEEE0098-5589
bSpeech Communication2.400Elsevier0167-6393
bJournal of Symbolic Computation0.600Elsevier0747-7171
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cLogical Methods in Computer Science Logical Methods in Computer Science1860-5974
cJournal of Symbolic Logic Association for Symbolic Logic0022-4812
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