Información de la conferencia
IVMSP 2018: IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop
Día de Entrega:
2018-02-28 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Zagori, Aristi Village, Greece
Vistas: 7616   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
The 2018 IEEE Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IVMSP) Workshop is the 13th of a series of unique meetings that bring together researchers in academia and industry to share the most recent and exciting advances in image, video, and multidimensional signal processing and analysis. The main themes of the 2018 IVMSP Workshop are Big Data, Social Media, and Computational Imaging.

The scientific program of IVMSP 2018 will include plenary talks, regular and special sessions. We welcome contributions within the three main themes, as well as at their intersection, e.g. use of imagery from social networks for learning models for image reconstruction tasks.

Big Data

    Deep learning methods for large scale multimedia
    Multimedia big data processing, analysis and retrieval
    Distributed solutions and architectures for big multimedia
    Convergence between Internet of Things, wearables and social media
    Big Data applications (summarization, surveillance, mobile, etc)

Social Media

    Social media data collection, filtering, and indexing
    Social media data representation and understanding
    User profiling, collective behavior and privacy aspects of social media
    Monitoring, sensing and prediction in social signals
    Detection, analysis and verification of emergent events

Computational Imaging                                                                    

    Image models, sparse, low rank, and statistical models
    Image formation, model based inversion, image fusion, and optimization-based methods
    Computational imaging systems, computational photography and microscopy, medical and radar imaging
    Hardware and software for computational imaging, embedded systems, big data, and non-traditional sensors
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2018-02-22
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