Conference Information
HAIS 2020: International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
Submission Date:
2020-05-27 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Gijon (Asturias), Spain
CORE: c   QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 19432   Tracked: 5   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics are encouraged, but not limited to, the combination of at least two of the following areas in the field of Hybrid Intelligent Systems:

    Fusion of soft computing and hard computing
    Evolutionary Computation
    Visualization Techniques
    Optimization Techniques
    Ensemble Techniques
    Case base reasoning
    Chance discovery
    Data mining and decision support systems
    Big Data modeling and visualization
    Intelligent agent-based systems
    Cognitive and Reactive distributed AI systems
    Intelligent Human Interfacing
    Deep Learning
    IoT and Intelligent Cloud/Fog Computing
    Computation in Bio-Medicine
    Intelligent Sensors
    Intelligent Time Series processing

Applications in real world scenarios include mining engineering, security, prediction, control, robotics, image and speech signal processing, bioinformatics, biology and medicine, business and management, knowledge management, artificial societies, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food industry, geographic information systems, materials and environment engineering and so on.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-16
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