Conference Information
WiSARN 2023: International Workshop on WIreless Sensing and Actuating Robotic Networks
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New York, USA
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Call For Papers
Ground, aerial and marine robots have been progressively introduced in several use-cases, from industry 4.0 to smart cities and precision agriculture. Thanks to the embedded circuitry, mobile robots can serve as mobile sensors/actuators, replacing or complementing static infrastructures. In addition, their computational power enables the data processing on the edge and/or the dynamic offloading of computational tasks towards/from a remote cloud. The frontier of research envisages the deployment of highly autonomic and integrated scenarios where heterogeneous ground, aerial and/or marine robots coordinate each other and with the existing sensing and processing infrastructures to accomplish complex tasks. On the one side, this implies proposing and investigating novel M2M solutions and network protocols to enable the data communication on the aerial and ground segments while taking into account the novel possibilities offered by the emerging technologies (e.g., 5G/6G and LEO satellite communications). The communication technologies must be paired with proper control mobility functions to support swarm operations and to instill coordinated behaviors. On the other side, the data processing on the mobile edges may take advantage of emerging federated and embedded AI techniques to drastically reduce the latency of the decision process while limiting the amount of data transferred from the robotic networks.

WiSARN aims at bringing together scientific communities that share this particular research agenda to discuss state-of-the-art contributions on the design, specification, and evaluation of architectures, algorithms, applications, and protocols for current and future applications of wireless ground, marine and aerial robotic networks. Original, unpublished contributions are solicited in design, development and evaluation of wireless ground, marine and aerial robotic networks. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

    Network protocols and wireless communication technologies for robotic systems
    5G/6G enabled robotic systems
    Communications and networking for swarm coordination
    Infrastructure-to-robot and robot-to-robot communication
    Robotic motion control and swarm modeling and management
    Data management and processing in robotic systems
    Embedded AI and federated learning solutions in robotic systems
    AI-driven communication and computing in robotic systems
    Path planning and target tracking in robotic networks
    Task assignment in robotic networks
    Cloud/fog/edge computing platforms for robotic systems
    Energy efficiency and endurance management in robotic networks
    Quality of service, security, and robustness issues in robotic networks
    Blockchain-enabled robotic systems
    Novel applications of robotic systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-11-20
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