Conference Information
WCSA 2020: Wireless Congress Systems and Applications
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Munich, Germany
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Call For Papers
2020 will see continued advances in all areas of wireless communication.

We will have not only the general rollout of 5G, but also the first campus networks. However, they will use advanced LTE technology – so called 4.9G. But LTE Advanced already offers a high data rate and QoS – and, most importantly, these campus networks operate in their own dedicated band, (3.7 to 3.8 GHz in Germany) and thus avoid interference issues with other radio transmissions.

The Wireless Congress 2020 will not only investigate 5G and campus networks, but also new and novel wireless technologies such as WiFi6, TSN for wireless networks, resilient networks, information-centric networking, software defined networking (SDN), next generation LPWAN, etc. Furthermore, the use of AI in communication networks and the practical application of advanced wireless systems in industry will be addressed.

The technical journal Elektronik, the Messe München – organizers of the electronica trade fair – and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI), are therefore staging the Wireless Congress 2020: Systems & Applications in Munich – in parallel with the electronica trade fair.

In close cooperation with recognized experts and the responsible editorial staff
of our well-known media brands we organize around 50 national and international B2B congresses, seminars and workshops each year for a defined specialist audience.

These cover topics such as embedded systems, automotive Ethernet, battery technology,
data centers, safety & security, electronic displays, Blockchain, IoT, wiring harness, AI, Smart Building, Digital Workplace, TSN, wireless technologies, cabling and much more. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-02
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