Conference Information
SPIN 2025: International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software
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Hamilton, Canada
CCF: c   Viewed: 20435   Tracked: 15   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
The SPIN symposium aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners interested in automated tool-based techniques for the analysis of software as well as models of software, for the purpose of verification and validation. The symposium specifically focuses on concurrent software but does not exclude the analysis of sequential software. Submissions are solicited on theoretical results, novel algorithms, tool development, and empirical evaluation.

The SPIN symposium originated as a workshop focusing on explicit state model checking, specifically as related to the SPIN model checker. However, over the years it has evolved to a broadly-scoped symposium for software analysis using any automated techniques, including model checking, automated theorem proving, and symbolic execution. An overview of the previous SPIN symposia (and early workshops) can be found at:


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Insightful surveys or historical accounts on topics of relevance to the symposium, for the special anniversary track (see below)
    Formal verification techniques for automated analysis of (concurrent) software/hardware, including:
        Model checking
        Deductive verification
        Automated theorem proving, including SAT and SMT
        Abstraction and symbolic execution techniques
        Static analysis and abstract interpretation
        Modular and compositional verification techniques
        Verification of timed and probabilistic systems
        Automated testing using advanced analysis techniques
        Program synthesis
        Derivation of specifications, test cases etc. via formal analysis
        Formal specification languages, temporal logic, design-by-contract
        Formal analysis of learned systems
        Any combination of the above
    Application and/or engineering of verification tools, including:
        Case studies of interesting systems or with interesting results
        Implementation of novel verification tools
        Benchmarks and comparative studies for verification tools
        Verification tools using modern hardware, e.g.: multi-core CPU, GPU, TPU, cloud, and quantum
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-10-02
Acceptance Ratio
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