ICICKM 2020: International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning
2020-04-08 Extended
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
浏览: 9460   关注: 0   参加: 0

    Academic Papers
    Case Studies
    Work in-Progress Papers
    Round Table Discussion Proposals
    PhD Papers
    Non- Academic or Practitioner Contributions

Conceptual frameworks, theories and models of intellectual capital management and knowledge management have been evolving for over two decades. Both academic researchers and practitioners have posited that their successful employ benefits organizations by improving their operations, personnel management, and strategy development.  At this juncture it may be useful to assess the impact of all this work on actual performance outcomes.  How has the theory and practice of intellectual capital and knowledge management actually influenced organizations?  What are notable outcomes and how do they inform future thinking and design?  Has the management of intangibles really paid off?

ICICKM provides an opportunity for academics and practitioners who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of IC and KM initiatives to come together from around the world in order to exchange ideas.

All Papers accepted for ICICKM after the double-blind peer review process will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration and payment.  The Proceedings is a published book with an ISBN and ISSN.

Key Topics

    Frameworks for conceptualising IC, KM and OL
    Managing IC, KM and OL
    The knowledge economy
    Intangible assets and tacit knowledge
    Analysing big data
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