SciSec 2023: International Conference on Science of Cyber Security
2023-04-20 Extended
Melbourne, Australia
閲覧: 16670   追跡: 15   出席: 6

 The 5th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security (SciSec 2023) will be held 11-14 July, 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. The conference is organized by the RMIT University. This new forum was initiated in 2018 and aims to catalyze the research collaborations between the relevant communities and disciplines that can work together to deepen our understanding of, and build a firm foundation for, the emerging Science of Cyber Security. Publications in this venue would distinguish themselves from others by taking or thinking from a holistic perspective about cyber security, rather than a building-block perspective. Each submission will be reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. The program committee plans to select and award a Best Paper and a Best Student Paper. The post-conference proceedings will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, indexed by EI and IIE-C.

New to SciSec 2023: There will have a poster session. The submission should be no more than two pages. Accepted posters will not appear in the post-conference proceedings, but will be invited to submit full version papers to International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF, indexed by ESCI and EI). At least one author of a poster must register to attend the conference.

Attention: The health and safety of all participants is our top priority. The organizing committee will focus on current COVID-19 situation and would change the conference to virtual one or hybrid off-line and on-line one if the environment was not good enough for our participant to be physically present. Authors will enjoy online registration fee. All registered full papers will be published as scheduled.

The conference solicits high-quality, original research papers that can justifiably help achieve the ultimate Science of Cyber Security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Cybersecurity Dynamics
    Cybersecurity Metrics and Their Measurements
    First-principle Cybersecurity Modeling and Analysis (e.g., Dynamical Systems, Control-Theoretic, and Game-Theoretic Modeling)
    Cybersecurity Data Analytics
    Quantitative Risk Management for Cybersecurity
    Big Data for Cybersecurity
    Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity
    Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
    Economics Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Social Sciences Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Statistical Physics Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Complexity Sciences Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Experimental Cybersecurity
    Macroscopic Cybersecurity
    Statistics Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Human Factors for Cybersecurity
    Compositional Security
    Biology-inspired Approaches for Cybersecurity
    Synergetics Approaches for Cybersecurity

        It is stressed that it is the authors’ responsibility to explicitly justify the relevance of a submission to cyber security and how a submission is contributing to the Science of Cyber Security.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2023-04-17
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Online Information Review3.100Emerald1468-4527
International Journal of Health Geographics3.000Springer1476-072X
Games and Culture2.400SAGE1555-4120
cNeural Processing Letters2.600Springer1370-4621
bIEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems2.800IEEE1063-8210
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information TechnologyINSIGHT2088-5334
Spatial Statistics2.100Elsevier2211-6753
Journal of Pathology InformaticsElsevier2229-5089
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous SystemsELSP2959-0744