Conference Information
ICICN' 2024: International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks
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Guilin, China
Viewed: 17598   Tracked: 17   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The conference covers a wide range of topics related to information, communication and networks, including but not limited to:

    Track 1: Wireless Transmission and Communication
    Track 2: Monitoring and Inspection System based on Internet of Things (IoT)
    Track 3: Optical Sensors and Applications
    Track 4: Sensor Technology for Smart Environmental Protection
    Track 5: Sensor Technology for Material Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring
    Track 6: Special Inspection Equipment and System Integrated in Robots
    Track 7: Smart Tomographic Systems and New Developments
    Track 8: Machine Learning and Security
    Track 9: Key Techniques for Metaverse
    Track 10: Advanced Optical Imaging (AOI)
    Track 11: Tiny Machine Learning
    Track 12: Novel Optoelectronic Materials and the Applications
    Track 13: Wireless Network
    Track 14: Optical Communications and Networks
    Track 15: Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices of 2D Materials
    Track 16: Fiber-based Devices and Applications
    Track 17: Optical Wireless Communications
    Track 18: Ultrafast Photonics
    Track 19: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
    Track 20: Wireless/Microwave Power Transmission (WPT/MPT)
    Track 21: Flexible Electronics/Antenna and Communication
    Track 22: Quantum Information and Related Quantum Technologies
    Track 23: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Security

Wireless Communications and Networking:

Wireless Transmission and Communication
Wireless Network
Optical Communications and Networks
Optical Wireless Communications
Terahertz Communications and Networking
Next-Generation Satellite Communications
Wireless/Microwave Power Transmission (WPT/MPT)
Internet of Energy (IoE) Communications

Optical Communications and Photonics:

Optical Sensors and Applications
Advanced Optical Imaging (AOI)
Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices of 2D Materials
Fiber-based Devices and Applications
Ultrafast Photonics
Novel Optoelectronic Materials and the Applications
Smart Tomographic Systems and New Developments

Broadcasting Technology:

Channel modeling & simulation
Channel coding, modulation, multiplexing
Advanced signal processing for transmission
MISO and MIMO processing

Internet of Things (IoT) and Related Technologies:

Monitoring and Inspection System
Sensor Technology
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Security
Edge Computing and Networking
Internet of Vehicles (IoV)
Blockchain Technology and Applications
Mobile Edge Computing and Networking

Machine Learning, Security and Data Privacy:

Machine Learning and Security
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Key Techniques for Metaverse
Tiny Machine Learning
Quantum Information and Related Quantum Technologies
Biometrics, Identification
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Multimedia Communications and Networking:

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) Communications
Multimedia Communications and Networking
Quality of Experience (QoE) for Multimedia Services

Social Networks and Analysis
Smart Grid Communications and Networking
Network Traffic Analysis and Management

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on their originality, technical soundness, relevance to the conference topics, and clarity of presentation. We welcome researchers, scholars, and scientists to submit their latest research work to ICICN 2023 and exchange their ideas with peers in the field. We look forward to your participation and contribution to advancing the state-of-the-art in the fields of information, communication, and network techniques and their applications.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-31
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