Conference Information
ASIP 2022: Asia Symposium on Image Processing
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Guangzhou, China
Viewed: 10712   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
You are kindly encouraged to contribute to and help shape the conference through submissions of your research abstracts and papers to ASIP 2022 conference. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

3D images and models 
3D imaging
Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for images, audio and video 
Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos 
Case studies and emerging technologies 
Classification and clustering techniques 
Color and texture 
Compression methods 
Computational geometry 
Computer animation 
Computer art and entertainment (including games) 
Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos 
Curves and meshes 
Database architectures for image/video retrieval 
e-Learning applications and computer graphics
Emerging display technologies 
Evaluation of image and video retrieval systems 
Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition
Fractal geometry and applications
Fusion of multimedia
Graph theory in image processing and vision 
Modeling techniques
Multimedia Systems and Applications 
Multimodal display systems 
Multimodal human computer interaction 
Novel image data management systems and applications
Object recognition 
Ontologies for annotation and search of images and videos 
Query models, paradigms, and languages for image/video retrieval 
Real-time collision detection algorithms
Real-time rendering for VR
Rendering methods 
Retrieval from multimodal lifelogs
Semantic-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos 
Shadows, translucency and visibility 
Signal and speech processing 
Graphics algorithms and applications
Haptic devices and techniques 
High performance image/video indexing algorithms 
Human-computer interfaces
Illumination and reflection techniques 
Image compression, coding, and encryption 
Image data structures for computer graphics
Image feature extraction
Image generation, acquisition, and processing
Image geometry and multi-view geometry
Image/video search and browsing on the Web
Image/video summarization and visualization 
Image-based modeling and algorithms
Immersive virtual reality 
Integration of virtual reality and multimedia
Interactive digital media
Interactive techniques
Knowledge-based recognition
Learning and assessment based on virtual reality approaches
Learning and relevance feedback in image/video retrieval
Machine learning technologies for vision
Machine architectures/engines for graphics and VR
Modeling of natural scenes and phenomena 
Simulation and virtual reality 
Software tools for computer graphics 
Software tools for virtual reality 
Sound rendering technologies
Studies of information-seeking behavior among image/video users 
Surface modeling 
Virtual and augmented reality 
Virtual environments 
Virtual humans and artificial life 
Virtual laboratories
Virtual reality and emerging applications 
Virtual reality software tools and languages 
Virtual reality techniques for behavioral and cognitive assessment
Virtual reality, visualization, and education
Visual computing and graphics 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-12-12
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