Información de la conferencia
iSCI' 2024: International Conference on Smart City and Informatization
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Fecha de Conferencia:
Sanya, China
Vistas: 15645   Seguidores: 3   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos

The smart city is a modern urban sustainable development concept and practice based on digital, networked and intelligent information and communication technology facilities, with social, environmental and management as the core elements, and ubiquitous, green and beneficial to the people as the main features. It is a strategic cognition of the scientific development of modern cities and a specific method to respond wisely, another innovative top-level design for the future scientific development of cities, and an integration and sublimation of previous urban development concepts.

Smart cities are both intrinsically linked to and have their own characteristics in relation to city informatisation, digital cities, knowledge cities and creative cities. In contrast to city informatisation, the smart city does not only stay at the level of information technology, but also integrates technology into urbanisation, focusing on citizen participation, social management, natural resource utilisation and quality of life improvement in the process of urbanisation, and developing the information systems formed in informatisation into an omnipresent and interactive sensory network.

The 12th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI-2024) aims to provide a unique platform for multi-disciplinary researchers and teams, industry solution vendors, and government agencies to exchange innovative ideas, challenges, research results and solutions, as well as project experience reports and successful stories.

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to iSCI-2024. Accepted papers will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Sensing

•Security Model and Architecture
•Smart Sensing in IoT
•Trustworthy Data Collection in IoT
•Information Security in IoT
•Ubiquitous Safety in IoT

Track 2: Urban Computing and Big Data

•Data Collection and Data Mining for Smart City
•Expression and Visualization of Urban Data
•Urban Monitoring and Optimization
•Intelligent Transport Systems
•Urban Traffic Flow Prediction

Track 3: Sustainable Industry 4.0

•Enterprise Manufacturing and Management Informatization
•Green Industry and Sustainable Manufacturing
•Resource Allocation Efficiency Promotion Technologies
•Integration of Information and Industrialization
•Energy Informatics

Track 4: Smart Society Informatization Technologies

•E-Government for Smart City
•E-Health for Smart City
•E-Education for Smart City
•E-Social Services for Smart City
•Social Mobility Analysis and Social Life Informatization

Track 5: Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing for Smart City

•Cloud Computing for Smart City
•Collaborative Cloud and Fog Computing for Smart City
•Future Computing with Multiple Clouds
•Security and Privacy across Clouds

Track 6: Applications for Smart City Informatization

•Structural Health Monitoring in Smart City
•Smart Grids and Energy
•Smart Water and Food Systems
•Applications for Smart Community and Smart Pension
•Applications for Smart Environment and Smart Economy
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-05-20
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