Conference Information
CMST 2019: International Conference On Computational Materials Science And Thermodynamic Systems
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Oxford, UK
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Call For Papers
International Conference on Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems (CMST’19) will be held in Oxford, from 5th To 8th August 2019. Through its technical program, the conference aims to provide an outstanding opportunity for both academic and industrial communities alike to address new trends and challenges, emerging technologies and progress in standards on topics relevant to today’s fast-moving areas of Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems.

CMST’19 will offer oral, poster sessions, tutorials, and professional meetings. The program of the CMST’19 Conference intends to foster interaction to open the way to future cooperation between participants. All researchers and teams who develop research or recently became interested in the domains of Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems. Submitted papers are expected to cover state-of-the-art technologies, theoretical concepts, standards, products implementation, ongoing research projects and innovative applications of Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems.

CMST’19 Conference is a double-blind peer-reviewed conference which publishes articles with original research, extended version of previous papers, abstracts, review, commentary, opinion, rapid communication, case report …etc. On all aspects of Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems.

International Conference on Computational Materials Science and Thermodynamic Systems (CMST’19) expects to open the gateway and ease the path for leading academics, active researchers and industry leaders to communicate and exchange their viewpoints on developments in recent research. A network and collaboration opportunity for all players, the Conference aim is to establish a great community of multinational and friendly researchers who are interested in sharing their ideas and input.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-03-31
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