Conference Information
ICAN 2020: International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks
Submission Date:
2019-10-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Chiayi, Taiwan
Viewed: 8960   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Computing in the most simplest of words is use of computers or computer systems. The task that requires computer systems – hardware and/or software is computing. We do a lot of computing in our day to day life like – withdrawing money from ATM, swiping card to get access to secured/guarded areas, using smart phones, accessing emails, downloading stuff from the internet etc. For a particular genre of human beings, computing is like breathing in today’s age.

In today’s information world, we are generating lots and lots of data. We generate data at every single moment of our lives, while sending sms or while sending an email or sharing our contact coordinates or while using any health care app to keep a record of our movements or while making some online shopping etc. So, human beings are creating - Big Data,Huge Data and rather humongous data. There is a common perception that human beings have created an equivalent amount of data in last only 5 years which otherwise they have created since their early existence on this planet. . In order to derive any useful information from this data or to get insight into Big Data to fetch relevant conclusion for yourself or your company, one needs to know good data analytics techniques.

Every modern day human being is connected to the world through internet or Network. Today not only human beings but the devices are also connected to internet. Thus there is always a requirement of higher bandwidth, higher speed, and efficient network topologies to meet the ever increasing demand of high speed networks.

The theme areas for ICAN2020 include Mobile Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics & Networks Security. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-09-27
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