Información de la conferencia
CSET' 2019: International Conference on Cyber Security for Emerging Technologies
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Doha, Qatar
Vistas: 7058   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
Potential authors are encouraged to contribute to CSET’19 by submitting original, high quality research papers describing unpublished results of conceptual, theoretical, and practical work in all areas of cyber security for emerging technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Cyber Security for FinTech

    Cyber Resilience and the Financial Sector
    Mobile Banking Applications Security
    Blockchain-based Solutions for FinTech
    Fraud detection for FinTech

Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

    Emerging threats in Industrial Control Systems
    Countermeasures and Defence techniques against threats in ICS
    Approaches for Identifying Vulnerabilities in ICS
    Intrusion detection methods for ICS

Cyber Security for Internet of Things (IoT)

    Security attacks in IoT for Health
    Secure IoT Architectures
    Emerging and Future Threats in IoT

Cyber Security for Cloud Computing

    Security attacks in Cloud
    Secure Cloud Architectures
    Emerging and Future Threats in Cloud

Cyber Threat Intelligence 

    Approaches to Security Risk Assessment
    Cyber Warfare and Cyber Terrorism
    Malware Analysis and Prevention
    Digital Forensics

AI and Big Data for Cyber Security

    Visual Analytics for Cyber Security
    AI-based Security Analytics
    Privacy Threats Analysis for Big Data

Usability, Legal, Economic Aspects of Cyber Security

    Usable Security
    Legal Approaches to Enforcing Cyber Security
    Economics of Cyber Security

Submission Instructions

In order to guide the reviewing process, all authors who intend to submit a paper must first submit the title, abstract (max. 200 words) and author information of their paper. Abstracts are used only to point out your interest to submit a full paper and to allow us to initiate the search for possible reviewers early in time. Papers must describe original work that has not been previously published or submitted elsewhere. Reviewers will check for plagiarism in all submissions using the iThenticate tool. Submissions must be written in English and formatted according to the IEEE formatting instructions. The proceedings will be published in IEEE eXplore, and approved by IEEE Computer Society. There is a possibility that selected papers will be considered for a special issue journal. The details of the special issue journal will be announced later.

The papers can have up to 8 pages in length (7 pages for the paper body and 1 page for references). Papers that exceed the length specification (see above categories) or are not formatted correctly will be desk-rejected without review. Please note that only full paper submissions will be peer reviewed. Abstract-only submissions will be discarded without further notice after the submission deadline. At least one author of each accepted paper must register to and attend the conference in order to present their paper.
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2019-06-15
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