Conference Information
ICMMD 2020: International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Design
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Call For Papers
The 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Design (ICMMD 2020) will be held at Singapore during April 10-13, 2020.

The conference is co-located with ICCAR 2020 conference, providing the audiences the possibility of communication with related researchers. ICMMD aims to be a high quality conference which opens up the opportunity for academics and industrial professionals worldwide to exchange their knowledge of the state-of-the-art mechatronics engineerings.

The 4-day programme will feature keynote speeches, tutorials, industry talks and technical paper presentations, posters and local events.

Papers describing original work are invited in any of the power electronics systems and applications are interested.

Topics are interested but not limited to:

T1: Mechatronics

Design, Modeling and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems
Electrical Machines, Drives & Power Electronics
Measurement and Diagnostics
Control and Automation
Biomedical Engineering
Mechatronic Education

T2: Machine Design

Actuator Systems
Coatings and Surface Modification
Contact Mechanics
Cutting/ Forming/ Grinding/ Polishing
Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
Friction and Wear Mechanism
Hydro-dynamic/ Static Lubrication/Lubricants/Lubrication Failure
Injection Molding/ Mold and Die Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD)
Machine Design/ Machine Elements

T3: Engineering and Automation

Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Flexible and Distributed Manufacturing Systems
Intelligent Systems in Machine Design and Production
Emerging Technologies in Design and Manufacturing
Hybrid Macro/Meso/Micro Manufacturing Processes
Thermally-Enhanced Manufacturing
Micro-Manufacturing and Fabrication of Sensors
Communication Systems and Distributed Control in Manufacturing Enterprises
Collaborative and Digital Manufacturing for Advancing Product Quality
Diagnostics, Performance Prediction and Decision Making for Intelligent Maintenance of Manufacturing Systems
Advances in Quality Control in Multistage Manufacturing Systems
Bottom-up Nano Manufacturing
Biomedical Manufacturing
Nano manufacturing Processes and Systems
Development and Applications of Micro Manufacturing Equipment
Design and Operations of Manufacturing Systems for Responsiveness
Advances in Metal Forming
Fracture Reliability of Fabricated Materials

T4: Manufacturing Engineering

Magnetic Storage System
Manufacturing Systems
Micro/Nano Processing/ Micro/Nano Tribology
Non-conventional Processing
Printing Technology for Manufacturing
Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Rheology
Sustainable Tribology/ Tribology in Manufacturing/ Maintenance Tribology
Advanced Design, Production Processes and Devices
Design of Machines and its Applications
Engineering Design Methodology and Design Models
Design, Modeling, Analysis and Failure of Machine Elements and Mechanical Systems
Mechanical Design and Production of MEMS
Modeling and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
Advances in Rapid Manufacturing Technologies for Metallic Parts
Solid Freeform Fabrication for Biomedical and Tissue Engineering
Miniaturization of Molding and Casting Processes

Accepted and presented papers will be published into the ICCAR proceedings.

ICCAR proceedings were pubished by IEEE, and inclusion to Scopus and Ei compendex indexing base.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-06-19
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