Conference Information
SKG 2019: International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids
Submission Date:
2019-07-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Guangzhou, China
CORE: c   Viewed: 23660   Tracked: 19   Attend: 6

Call For Papers
The mission of the International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grids (SKG) is to promote cross-area research and accelerate the development of relevant areas. It has become a major cross-area international forum through 15 years' professional organisation.

As usual, SKG 2019 features keynotes of well-known scientists.

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Future Interconnection Environment will be important topics of SKG 2019.

SCI-indexed international journal special issues will be organised after conference.

Areas of Submission

We welcome submissions of high quality papers in (but not restricted to) the following areas:

Semantics and Big Data

    Language, Cognition and Semantics:
    Learning and Deep Learning
    Web Semantics, Semantic Computing, Interactive Semantics
    Semantic Search and Query
    Semantic Link Discovery, Semantic Link Network
    Big Data Foundations, Management and Analytics
    Semantic Visualisation of Big Data
    Multi-Dimensional Management of Big Data
    Block chain

Knowledge and Intelligence:

    Knowledge Discovery, Representation and Reasoning on Big Data
    Ontology and Knowledge Map
    Knowledge Infrastructure
    Large-Scale Distributed Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Flow
    Human & Social-Level Intelligence
    Social Computing and Social Intelligence on Big Data


    Advanced Computing Infrastructure
    Cloud, Peer-to-Peer, Service Computing
    Cyber-Physical Systems, Cyber-Physical Society, Internet of Things
    Software as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service
    Sensor networks, Social networks, Internet-Based Multi-Agent Systems
    Energy-Sensitive Mobile Computing

Advanced Applications:

    Enterprise Content Computing, Summarisation, Recommendation, QA
    Smart Grids, Smart Cities
    Data-Driven Software Engineering, Requirement Discovery, Automatic Programming
    e-Culture, e-Science, e-Business, e-Learning, e-Government, e-Health
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-07-14
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