Conference Information
ACOSIS 2019: International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security
Submission Date:
2019-08-25 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Marrakech, Morocco
Viewed: 6758   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The aim of ACOSIS 2019 is to provide a forum, for university researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested over the world, on advanced communication systems and information security.

ACOSIS 2019 will bring together industry, academia, and regulatory bodies. The conference will include technical sessions, special sessions, tutorials, and summits. You are invited to submit papers original material in all areas of advanced communication systems and information security.

ACOSIS 2019 Conference features a series of tracks including potential research topics but are not limited to :

Track 1: PHY Communications
Chairs : Ahmed Azouaoui - Alexander Gelbukh - Shuai Han

    Channel characterization, Synchronization, Estimation and Modeling
    Source and Channel Coding
    Cognitive Radio System Architectures
    Cross-layer Design and Optimization
    Distributed Coding and Network Coding
    Diversity, Equalization, Beamforming and MIMO
    Energy efficient PHY layer design, Energy Harvesting
    Modulation and Multi-Carrier Modulation
    Multiple Access Techniques
    Resource Allocation and Interference Management
    Spread Spectrum Communications
    Advanced Communications and Connectivity
    Free Space Optics and Visible Light Communications
    RFID Networks and Protocols
    Signal and Image Processing

Track 2: Networking and Embedded Systems
Chairs: Ahmad Taher Azar - Driss El Ouadghiri - Pascal Lorenz

    Cooperative and Multihop Relay Communications
    5G Technologies
    Ad Hoc, Mesh and Wireless Sensor Networks
    Broadband Communications
    Cloud-based Networking
    Green Communications
    Internet of Things
    IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
    Machine-to-Machine Communications
    Vehicular Communications
    Embedded System Design
    Embedded Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence
    Networked Embedded Systems
    Real-Time Embedded Systems

Track 3: Information Security
Chairs: Abdelmalek Benzekri - Driss Bouzidi - HyunBum Kim

    Authentication, authorization and Access Control
    Information hiding and watermarking
    Key exchange, storage and protection
    PHY layer security
    Security models, methods and tools
    Risk analysis, modeling and management
    Applied cryptography
    Security in Internet of Things
    Security and privacy for big data
    Cloud and Grid Systems Security
    Security in social networks
    Wireless and Mobile Network Security
    Trusted Computing
    Embedded cybersecurity and cryptography
    Web/Mobile application Security

Track 4: Emerging Architectures and Services
Chairs: Abdelkrim Haqiq - Lynda Mokdad - Sam Goundar

    WBAN and its applications
    P2P service in mobile networks
    Green communications and networks
    Smart grid networks
    Mobile systems for transportation systems
    Smart city network management and services
    Mobile data analytics and modeling
    Support for social networks and mobile Web
    Sensor networks for rural and agricultural environments
    Monitoring and network management architectures
    QoS measurements
    Industrial IoT and Emerging Technologies
    Cloud/Fog Computing and its applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-08-11
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