OMCS 2023: IEEE Conference on Optimization and Modeling of Complex Systems
2023-05-21 Extended
Agadir-Essaouira, Morocco
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The 4th IEEE Conference on Optimization and Modeling of Complex Systems will be held in conjunction with the 7th IEEE International Congress on Information Science and Technology (IEEE CiSt'23) the week of December 16th – 22th 2023 in Agadir - Essaouira, Morocco.

Optimization and Modeling of Complex system of Systems are becoming standard practice across all sectors, including health, engineering, business, education, security, and citizen interaction with local and national government. They facilitate rapid and easy dissemination of information and data to assist service providers and end-users, offering existing and newly engineered services, products, and communication channels. Recent years have witnessed rising interest in these computerized systems and procedures, which exploit different forms of electronic media in order to offer effective and sophisticated solutions to a wide range of real-world applications.

Optimization will also be covered. It intends generally a reduction operation of a definite quantity. This process naturally takes place in our environment and through our activities. Modelling natural systems phenomena and reducing their energy consumption rely on our capacity to artificially reproduce their processes. In parallel, optimization problems have quickly emerged from human activities, notably from economic concerns.

The main objective of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and industrials from around the world interested in the area of optimization and modelling of complex systems, to exchange and report on new developments and advancements that cover a wide range of current issues in the design, engineering, and adoption of e-systems.


This conference would solicit the submissions of original papers describing significant results and developments from both researchers and practitioners in a specific range of fields addressing topics focusing on the use of e-systems in many areas of sectors of contemporary life, including:

    Risk management and optimization
    Modelling of extreme events
    Decision-making in presence of uncertainties
    Modelling of uncertainty, Bayesian theory, interval models, fuzzy set theory, and information gap theory
    Structural health monitoring, system identification, and damage detection
    Probabilistic Approaches and Optimization
    Diagnostic and prognostic
    Reliability and optimization
    Topology Optimization
    Multidisciplinary Design Optimization and applications
    Fuzzy Optimization
    Optimization with Approximate Models
    Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
    Reliability-Based Design Optimization
    Stochastic Optimization
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
International Journal of Computerized DentistryQuintessenz Verlags GmbH1463-4201
cPervasive and Mobile Computing3.000Elsevier1574-1192
cBehaviour & Information Technology2.900Taylor & Francis0144-929X
bComputer Vision and Image Understanding4.300Elsevier1077-3142
Archival Science1.400Springer1389-0166
cInternational Journal of Information and Computer SecurityInderscience1744-1765
New Ideas in Psychology2.300Elsevier0732-118X
cAd Hoc Networks4.400Elsevier1570-8705
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and InformaticsIAES2089-3191
cProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer InteractionACM2573-0142