Información de la conferencia
SurEA 2020: International Conference on Surface Engineering Applications
Día de Entrega:
2020-08-25 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Suzhou, China
Vistas: 7737   Seguidores: 0   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos
2020 International Conference on Surface Engineering Applications (SurEA 2020) will be held in Suzhou, China, from September 25 to 27, 2020! SurEA 2020 is organized by Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers,  technically sponsored by Royal Melbourne Institue of Technology University(RMIT University), Swinburne University of Technology, The Australian National University.

SurEA 2020 welcomes articles in the field of Surface Engineering Applications, dealing with new developments in theory, analytical and numerical simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, advanced deployment and case studies, results of laboratory or field operational tests, under the general theme of Surface Engineering Applications.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we'd like to send our honest invitation to all distinguished researchers and practitioners to have an open dialogue for Surface Engineering Applications in SurEA 2020.

1, Topics
- Surface science of catalysis, electrocatalysis and photocatalysis
- Surface engineering and functionalization
- Functional surfaces and coatings
- Surface science applied to energy conversion and storage
- Surface nanotechnology and devices
- Biointerfaces
- Electrochemistry at surfaces and interfaces
- Advances in surface characterization tools
- Semiconductors – surface and interface
Última Actualización Por Crystal Zhang en 2020-05-07
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