Materials Asia 2020: International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering
Bali, Indonesia
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Following on from the success of Materials Oceania 2019, Prism Scientific Services is continuing its legacy in organizing premium materials science conferences with the objective to promote the gathering of scientists, students and industry experts to exchange and enhance their knowledge and ideas for future materials applications. The Materials Asia 2020 conference is scheduled during June 15-17 in Bali, Indonesia.

This materials science conference 2020 will provide an international medium to share and exchange the theoretical and experimental studies and research related to the electronic, electrochemical, ionic, magnetic, optical, and biosensing properties of solid state materials in bulk, thin film and particulate forms. It focuses on synthesis, processing, characterization, structure, physical properties and computational aspects of nano-crystalline, crystalline, amorphous and glassy forms of ceramics, semiconductors, layered insertion compounds, low-dimensional compounds and systems, fast-ion conductors, polymers and dielectrics.

This materials science conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, industrialist, research scholars, students, delegates and exhibitors to exchange and share their experiences, research results about all aspects of Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Chemistry and Physics. This engineering conference is also providing a platform to the companies and/or institutions to present their services, products, innovations and research results.

Meet the Objective Business sector with individuals from and around the globe concentrated on finding out about Materials science and Engineering, this is the best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from all over the world. This materials science conferences in Bali will lead you to get disperse data, meet with current, make a sprinkle with another product offering and get name acknowledgement at this occasion. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest methods, strategies, and the most up to date overhauls in Materials science and Engineering are signs of this meeting.
For more details please visit: https://www.materialsconferenceasia.com/ 
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