Conference Information
SmartMob 2020: International Conference on Smart Mobility: Green and Safe Environments
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Viana do Castelo, Portugal
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Call For Papers

Mobility is a vital factor in economic growth. However, it has also become one of the biggest problems due to the increase in population that must move and the growth of cities. Transportation is one of the most important causes of death due to vehicle emissions and traffic accidents.

Smart Mobility has the challenge of making travel more efficient and safer. Despite the advances that have been made in recent years, it is still an unresolved issue. Transportation systems are very complex because they involve humans, vehicles, information technologies and physical infrastructure. The analysis and action on these elements and their interactions is decisive to minimize the negative consequences of mobility.

The objective of this conference is that researchers can share their achievements, raise their ideas and projects and establish collaborations about Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for Smart Mobility.


The works that will be presented at conference will focus on the following topics:

    Augmented Reality in ITS
    Autonomous driving
    Big data in ITS
    Cloud Computing in ITS
    Connected Car
    Communications in ITS
    Computer Vision for ITS
    Driving Assistants
    Driving Stress
    Emissions, Noise, Environment
    Human Factors
    Industrial Vehicles
    Information systems for ITS
    Intelligent Vehicles
    ITS and Smart Cities
    Modelling, Control and Simulation in ITS
    Safe and Secure in ITS
    Smart Mobility Services
    Sustainable Transportation
    Traffic management and Intelligent Infrastructure
    Transportation Networks
    Vehicle location
    Wearables and sensors in ITS
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-18
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