Conference Information
BROADNETS 2020: EAI International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems
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Call For Papers

The 5G and beyond towards 6G vision targets a digital and connected landscape, where not only people but devices will be connected to what is referred to as the Internet of Everything (IoE). Real-life objects will be smart in nature, and possibly virtual, allowing everyday activities to be performed remotely at the touch of a button in a seamless manner. In this context, new technologies are required such as connectivity that can transport information effectively according to the application data. However, for real-life objects to come life, these will be animated through cyber-physical technology, that include sensors, actuators and embedded software. Where embedded systems were once constrained to consumer devices, now it comes to the forefront playing a pivotal role in the 5G paradigm, allowing devices to become objects, and objects to form part of an integrated system, where different devices employing diverse data formats and operating systems are no longer barriers.

The Internet has become the largest man-made system in human history, which has a great impact on people’s daily life and work. Security is one of the most significant concerns in the development of a sustainable, resilient and prosperous Internet ecosystem. Cyber-security in communication faces many challenging issues, such as intrusion detection, privacy protection, proactive defense, anomalous behaviors, advanced threat detection and so on. Recent studies show that Deep learning has resulted in advances in many scientific and technological fields, i.e., medicine, transportation. Therefore, deep learning approaches are expected to deal with these security issues.

The scope of this conference will target one of the key drivers for 5G, the IoE world that includes technology advances in cyber-physical systems and security. The conference is also interested in novel works applying 5G concepts to space and underwater communications. The conference aims to provide a platform where to disseminate and discuss key innovations and technology trends in this fast-evolving arena.


The works that will be presented at the conference will focus on the following topics:

    5G/6G technologies, applications and services for IoE
    Cyber-Physical Systems
    Internet of Things
    Vehicle Network
    Maritime, space and underwater communications
    Safety and security for IoE
    Petri Net Theory and System
    Fog computing, edge computing, and cloud-edge collaborative computing
    The next-generation communication technology to 5G or 6G
    Self-grouping network with Low power
    Big data in bandwidth for City Brain
    New hardware and protocol for reliable broadband communication
    Network management for wireless broadband networks
    Privacy-aware secured protocols for cross-layer operations
    Deep learning for safety and security broadband communication
    Emergence-driven network engineering communication and computation
    Interoperability of heterogeneous networks under broadband communications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-06-25
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