CISP-BMEI 2022: International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics
Beijing, China
閲覧: 11786   追跡: 2   出席: 2


Image and Video Processing - Coding and transmission; Image enhancement & noise filtering; Image restoration; Feature extraction; Watermarking & authentication; Interpolation & super-resolution; Geometric transformations; Image segmentation; Motion analysis & tracking; Content-based retrieval; Computer and machine vision; Pattern recognition; Imaging techniques & 3D imaging; Remote sensing; Forensics & security; Image and video processing applications; Other topics in image and video processing.

Signal Processing - Analog and digital signal processing; Signal representation and transforms; Statistical signal processing; Filter design & digital filters; Adaptive signal processing; Spectral analysis; Time-frequency signal analysis; Speech & language processing; Signal modeling, identification & prediction; System identification; Intelligent signal processing; Acoustics; Multi-dimensional signal processing; Sensor array and multi-channel systems; Signal processing applications; Other topics in signal processing.


BioMedical Engineering - Biomedical imaging, image processing, and visualization; Biomedical signal processing and analysis; Medical data storage and compression techniques; Biomedical modeling; Biomedical effects of electromagnetic radiation; Electrotherapy and radiotherapy; Biomedical instrumentation, devices, sensors, artificial organs, and nano technologies; Biomedical materials and tissue engineering; Biomedical robotics and mechanics; Rehabilitation engineering; Clinical engineering and surgical planning; Wearable and real-time health monitoring systems; Mobile and wireless technologies in healthcare systems; Biomedical education; Biomedicine in industry and society; Other topics in biomedical engineering.

Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Medical Informatics - Computational genomics and proteomics; Applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data mining in bioinformatics and medical informatics; Complexity of biological systems; Biologically-inspired agents and software; Computational drug discovery and computer-aided drug design; Biological system dynamics and simulations; Telemedicine; Application of Systems Science in biomedicine; Personalized and predictive medicine and healthcare; Standards and ontology in biomedical informatics; Synergy between bioinformatics and medical informatics; Evaluation and benchmarking, e.g., bio-statistical and medical statistical methods; Applications of operations research and management science in medicine and health care; Healthcare information systems; Other topics in bioinformatics, systems biology, and medical informatics.

Informatics: Fundamental Technologies Important to Medicine and Biology- Database systems; Computer security and privacy; Software engineering; Computer architecture; Distributed systems; Graphics and animation; Computer communications and networking; Artificial intelligence; Automation and control; Other topics in informatics.
最終更新 Dou Sun 2022-09-25
CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
bSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM1936-4954
bJournal of Symbolic Computation0.600Elsevier0747-7171
The Photogrammetric Record2.100Wiley-Blackwell0031-868X
Semiconductor Science and Technology1.900IOP Publishing1361-6641
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics6.100IEEE1083-4435
Sustainable Computing3.800Elsevier2210-5379
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing2.900Springer1861-8200
Journal of Computational Physics3.800Elsevier0021-9991
Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography Elsevier0954-0504
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems1.800Taylor & Francis1387-3954
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM
Journal of Symbolic Computation0.600Elsevier
The Photogrammetric Record2.100Wiley-Blackwell
Semiconductor Science and Technology1.900IOP Publishing
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics6.100IEEE
Sustainable Computing3.800Elsevier
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing2.900Springer
Journal of Computational Physics3.800Elsevier
Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography Elsevier
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems1.800Taylor & Francis