SEICE 2021: International Conference on Software Engineering, Intelligent Computing and Electrocommunication
Jinan, China
閲覧: 6108   追跡: 0   出席: 0

Conference Topics

Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications

Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition
Knowledge Discovery
Intelligent Data Analysis
Neural Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Medical Diagnostics
Data Mining
Support Vector Machines
Machine Vision
Intelligent Systems and Language

Computer Science

Algorithm Design
Analysis of Algorithms
Cloud Computing
Cognitive Science
Computability Theory
Computational Chemistry
Computational Complexity Theory
Computational Geometry
Computational Linguistics
Computational Neuroscience
Computational Physics
Computer Accessibility
Computer Animation
Numerical Analysis
Object-oriented Programming
Operating Systems
Procedural Programming
Programming Paradigms
Quantum Computing Theory
Requirements Analysis
Scientific Computing
Computer Architecture
Computer Organization
Computer Programming
Database Management Systems
Evolutionary Computation
Expert Systems
Functional Programming
Information theory
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Network Topology
Numerical Algorithms
Software Design
Software Development Process
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Symbolic Mathematics
Ubiquitous Computing
Wearable Computing 

Network、Communication Technology and Applications

Attacks and Prevention of Online Fraud
Cryptographic Protocols and Functions
Economics of Security and Privacy
Identity and Trust Management
Information Hiding and Watermarking
Infrastructure Security
Intrusion Detection, Tolerance and Prevention
Network and Wireless Network Security
Trusted Computing
Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Channel Capacity and Channel Coding
CDMA and Spread Spectrum
System Modeling and Simulationork Security
Trusted Computing
Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Channel Capacity and Channel Coding
CDMA and Spread Spectrum

Software Engineering and Information System Design

Software Architectures
Software Design and Development
Software Testing
Software Agents
Web-based Software Engineering
Project Management
Software Performance Engineering
Service Engineering
Model-Driven Development
Applications of DB Systems and Information Systems
最終更新 Dou Sun 2021-03-06
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
Industrial Robot1.900Emerald0143-991X
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing10.60Elsevier0924-2716
Operations Research and Applications: An International JournalAIRCC2393-8463
International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation IGI Global1947-8585
International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications IGI Global1941-627X
cIET Information Security1.300IET1751-8709
IET Electric Power ApplicationsIET1751-8660
Computer Applications in Engineering Education2.000Wiley-Blackwell1061-3773
IEEE Electrification Magazine3.400IEEE2325-5897