ICWI' 2022: International Congress on Web Intelligence
Hong Kong, China
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The purpose of ICWI 2022 is to bring together researchers, mathematicians, engineers, and practitioners interested in various aspects related to Web Intelligence.

The papers will be made to appear in a book to be published by ASDF HQ, India in EDLIB (www.edlib.net). All the published papers will be indexed by Google Scholar and various other search engines.


·         Input Box Brain Informatics for WI
·         Human-Level WI
·         Cognitive and Computational Models for WI
·         Granular and Soft Computing for WI
·         Computational Wisdom
·         Complex Networks for WI
·         Cyber Individuals & Personalization
·         Inter-Connectivity
·         Scalability & Big Data
·         WI on Cloud Computing Platform
·         Uncertainty Management for WI
·         Semantic Web
·         Semantic Grids
·         Approximate Semantics
·         Nature-inspired Models
·         Web intelligence for services, grids and middleware
·         Nature-inspired Models and approaches for Web Intelligence
·         Ontology-based Mining ⁄ Retrieval
·         Ontology Plug-in Search
·         Semantic Data: Crawling, Storage, Indexing
·         Vague, Incomplete, Dirty Semantic Data
·         Semantic Data Search & Ranking
·         Semantic Search Evaluation
·         Data Web Search: Multi-sources ⁄ repositories
·         Information Extraction from Deep Web
·         Deep Web-based Ontology
·         Semantic Deep Web Crawlers
·         Semantic Deep Web Data Fusion
·         Semantic Deep Web Annotation & Indexing
·         Web-Based Ontology Learning
·         Semi-automatic Ontology Generation
·         Metrics for Quality of Ontology
·         Similarity Measures for Ontology Alignment
·         Visualization of Semantic Data
·         Web-Scale Reasoning
·         Paraconsistent Reasoning
·         Semantic Agent Systems for Web intelligence
·         Advanced Interaction and Communication Paradigms with Web intelligence
·         Natural Language ⁄ Ontology ⁄ Taxonomy-based ⁄ Hybrid Interfaces
·         Intelligence for Visualizing (Linked Semantic) Web Data at scale
·         Intelligence for Big Data Analytics
·         Ubiquitous Intelligence and the Internet of Things
·         Web Intelligence in social media
·         Web Intelligence in Human Computation and Social Games
·         Opinion Mining ⁄ Sentiment Analysis on the Social Web
最終更新 Dou Sun 2022-05-22
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