ICCGIV 2024: International Conference on Computer Graphics, Image and Virtualization
Chengdu, China
浏览: 4623   关注: 3   参加: 0

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

1.  Computer Graphics 

· Basic theory and algorithms of graphics
· Realistic graphics
· Geometric Modeling and Processing
· Computer animation and games
· Non-realistic graphics
· Graphics technology based on image and video
· Computer-aided geometric design
· Computer-aided design
· Virtual Reality Technology and Applications
· Mixed Reality Technology and Applications
· Scientific computing visualization
· Image Video Processing and
· Digital Media Technology
· Computer Simulation
· Human-Computer Interaction Technology
· Engineering Graphics and Applications
· Three-dimensional vision
· Graphical User Interface 

2.  Image Processing

· Image Processing
· Discrete Cosine Transforms
· Discrete Hilbert Transforms
· Fuzzy Logic Applications in Signal Processing
· Image segmentation
· Pattern recognition and analysis
· Spectral Analysis
· Wavelet Transforms
· Coding and Transmission
· Color and texture
· Object and Scene Recognition
· Face recognition
· face detection
· gesture recognition
· Biometrics
· Image feature extraction
· Digital Signal Processing
· Medical image processing
· Radar Image Processing
· Sonar Image Processing
· Digital Multimedia Broadcasting
· Imagel Processing Applications
· Image generation
· Image acquisition
· Image processing
· Image-based modeling
· algorithms
· Immersive virtual reality
· Integration of virtual reality
· multimedia
· Interactive digital media
· Knowledge-based recognition
· Audio processing
· Video processing

3. Virtualization	

· Performance measurement, modeling and monitoring of virtual / cloud workloads
· Adapt to the emerging high performance computing technology
· Programming model of virtual environment
· Compliance in the new era of virtualization and ensuring the benefits of virtualization 2.0
· The impact of it virtualization on applications and networks
· Dynamic computing power integration
· Troubleshooting virtual infrastructure
· Energy optimization and energy saving of green data center
· Virtual per job / on demand clustering and cloud burst
· Virtualization Platform
· Enable disaster recovery for enterprises of any size
· Business value of cloud computing and virtualization
· Heterogeneous virtualization environment, virtualization accelerator, GPU and coprocessor
· Topology management and optimization of distributed virtualization applications
· Job scheduling / control / policy in virtual environment
· Virtual desktop delivery
· Lightweight computing node operating system / VMM
· Virtualization in data intensive computing and big data processing
· Open virtualization format
· Virtualization management
· Virtualization choreography across data centers
· Virtual perception network
· Control the spread of virtual server
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2024-01-15
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