Conference Information
PCS 2024: Picture Coding Symposium
Submission Date:
2023-12-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Taichung, Taiwan
Viewed: 3135   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers


PCS 2024 invites you to submit work that pushes the boundaries of visual data coding. The following list contains some examples, but it is not an exhaustive list:

    Image and video coding
    Model-based and synthetic coding
    Screen content coding
    Multimodal coding and processing
    Learning-based image and video coding
    Learning-assisted image and video coding
    Image and video coding for machines
    Multi-task image and video coding
    Compressed-domain image/video analysis
    Datasets for learning-based visual data coding and analysis
    Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality coding
    360° and multi-view video processing and coding
    Point cloud processing and coding
    Light field processing and coding
    Immersive and volumetric video coding
    Representation and analysis of immersive and volumetric scenes
    Emerging standards for visual data coding
    Objective and subjective quality assessment
    Transcoding and adaptive streaming
    Optimized streaming for coded visual data
    Real-time video communications
    Error robustness, resilience and concealment
    Low complexity video coding
    Network-, edge- and cloud-based coding
    Energy management in visual data coding
    Circuits and systems for visual data processing and coding
    Protection and integrity of visual data
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-12-05
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