ISCE' 2023: International Conference on Intelligence Scicence and Computer Engineering
Sipsongpanna, China
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Welcome to the official website of  2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence and Computer Engineering (ISCE 2023).

Artificial Intelligence research has made certain substantial progress in some special areas so far. However, the deeper understandings on the essence of intelligence are far from sufficient and, therefore, many state-of-the-art intelligent systems are still not able to compete with human intelligence. To advance the research in artificial intelligence, it is necessary to investigate intelligence, both intelligence Scicence and Computer Engineering, in an interdisciplinary context. 

2023 International Conference on Intelligence Scicence and Computer Engineering (ISCE 2023)will be held on November 3-5, 2023 in Sipsongpanna. The objective of this conference is to bring together researchers from intelligence Scicence and Computer Engineering to explore the essence of intelligence and the related technologies. The conference provides a platform for discussing some of the key issues that are related to intelligence science.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Information science
Software Engineering
Mode information processing
Intelligent system
Image processing
Control technology
Computer Network and Security
signal processing
Other related topics
最終更新 Dou Sun 2023-09-14
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