Información de la conferencia
SOCA' 2024: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and AI
Día de Entrega:
2024-06-18 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Poznan, Poland
Vistas: 2589   Seguidores: 3   Asistentes: 2

Solicitud de Artículos
The 2024 International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and AI (SOCA 2024), upholding its nearly two-decade legacy, will be a forum where traditional Service-Oriented Computing research meets with new and trending approaches based on state of the art AI advancements. As a global platform, it invites a diverse group of researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to discuss ideas and results on services and AI, and its implications across software systems, including areas like Generative Service Design, Intelligent Service Composition,  AI-as-a-service (AIaaS), and Service Prompt Engineering. 
SOCA 2024 is set to take place from September 9-13, 2024, in Poznan, Poland, as part of a multi-conference event.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 Foundations of Service-Oriented Computing:
- Service composition
- Service design
- Service discovery
- Service engineering
- Service orchestration
- Quality of service

 Foundations of Intelligent Service Computing:
- Architectures and frameworks for intelligent service computing
- Integration of AI techniques
- Intelligent service discovery, composition, and orchestration
- NLP for service interoperation and interpretation
- Prompt engineering for services

Cloud Services and Big Data:
- Cloud, fog, edge computing
- Cloud service management
- Cloud sustainability and Green ICT
- Computing continuum
- Data-driven service quality assessment and improvement
- Big data analytics for services

 Physical Services and IoT:
- Pervasive Service-Oriented Architectures and IoT
- Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids
- IoT as a service
- Coordination and orchestration for IoT

Services and Humans:
- Human-robot collaboration in service delivery and assistance
- Personalized and context-aware service provisioning
- Human-AI interaction and collaboration in ISC systems
- Conversational AI interfaces and interactive workflows in ISC

Security, Privacy, and Trust:
- Security and privacy challenges in AI-driven service ecosystems
- Trustworthiness and reliability of intelligent service providers
- Ethical considerations in intelligent services

Service-Oriented Computing and Applications:
- Real-world applications of intelligent service computing in various domains (e.g., healthcare, finance, e-commerce, logistics, energy, transportation)
- Quantum service architectures and experiences
- Robotics and service architectures for robotics
- Success stories and lessons learned from service deployments
Última Actualización Por Jiahao Fan en 2024-06-16
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