Conference Information
HotMobile 2025: International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
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Palm Springs, California, USA
CORE: c   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 17191   Tracked: 5   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ACM HotMobile 2025, the Twenty-sixth International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications continues the series of highly selective, interactive workshops focused on mobile applications, systems, and environments, as well as their underlying state-of-the-art technologies. HotMobile's small workshop format makes it ideal for presenting and discussing new directions or controversial approaches.

We solicit submissions of papers that (1) focus primarily on systems and applications and (2) propose new directions of research, advocate non-traditional approaches to old (or new) ideas, or generate controversy and discussion. We especially encourage papers that identify fundamental open questions, advocate a new approach, offer a constructive critique of the state-of-the-art, debunk existing assumptions, report unexpected early results, report on promising but unproven ideas, or propose new evaluation methods. Novel ideas need not be supported by full evaluations; well-reasoned arguments or preliminary evaluations suffice. The program committee will explicitly favor early work and papers likely to stimulate reflection and discussion over a “6-pages conference paper.”

We take a broad view of Mobile Systems research. This includes:

    Novel applications, environments, and devices supporting mobility.
    Operating system and distributed system support for mobile computing.
    Wearable computing, internet of things, edge computing, sensing, and context-awareness.
    HCI issues related to mobile computing.
    Security and privacy of mobile computing.
    Management, configuration, and deployment of systems supporting mobility.
    Wireless technology, as it pertains to mobile systems and applications.
    Social issues related to mobile computing.
    System and application support for the use of ML and AI on mobile platforms.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-22
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