Información de la conferencia
ICIP 2025: International Conference on Image Processing
Día de Entrega:
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
CCF: c   CORE: b   QUALIS: a1   Vistas: 140018   Seguidores: 256   Asistentes: 60

Solicitud de Artículos
The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) will take place in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, one of the most fascinating hidden gems of North America. ICIP 2025, a flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society explores the latest technical innovations in image and video processing and covers cutting-edge topics involving computer vision.

Authors are encouraged to take note of the new conference initiatives, below, when preparing submissions.

    Options to submit longer in-depth papers – ICIP track extended to five pages + one page for references, submission of ICIP papers of up to eight pages + one page for references to the Open Journal of Signal Processing, and presentation options for previously accepted journal papers
    Spotlight Oral Sessions highlighting top papers with exceptional maturity and/or novelty
    Top accepted papers with exceptional maturity and/or novelty as determined by the program committee, will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for expedited review in select SPS journals
    Rigorous review process using double-anonymous review and an author rebuttal period
    Expanded scope through satellite workshops and special sessions

The ICIP program will feature insightful short courses and tutorials, engaging exhibits and demonstrations, satellite workshops by leading tech companies, career development opportunities, and networking events for practicing engineers, aspiring students, and young entrepreneurs.

ICIP 2025 offers several ways for authors to present their latest research:

1. Submit a conference paper – Up to five pages for technical content and a sixth page containing only references. To maximize visibility and impact, accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® digital library and will be freely accessible and downloadable by all, in final format, beginning one month prior to the conference and through the conference end date (Open Preview). Top papers will be highlighted in Spotlight Oral Sessions along with an invitation to submit an extended version of the paper for expedited review in select SPS journals. Some top accepted papers with exceptional maturity and/or novelty as determined by the program committee, will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for expedited review in select SPS journals.

2. Submit a journal paper to the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP) – Submit up to eight pages of technical content and one page for references; for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP), the completely open-access journal of the SPS, instead of in the conference proceedings. Papers submitted to OJ-SP prior to the advertised submission deadline that are designated as being intended for presentation at the conference will receive expedited review to ensure that a decision is available in time for inclusion in the conference program. The article processing charge (APC) for open-access publication is paid after acceptance.

3. Present an accepted or published SPS journal paper – Authors who have published or accepted a paper(s) in an eligible journal within the last year may submit an SPS Journal Paper Presentation Request to present the paper(s) at the conference. For eligibility requirements, visit the IEEE Signal Processing Society website under the “Journal Paper Presentation at SPS Conferences and Workshops” section to view the criteria for eligibility.

Topics of Interest, included, but not limited to:

    Sensing, Representation, Modeling, & Registration
    Synthesis, Rendering, & Visualization
    Texture Image Representation & Classification Computational Imaging
    Restoration & Enhancement
    Filtering & Multi-resolution Processing
    Compression, Coding, & Transmission
    Color, Multi-spectral, & Hyper-spectral Imaging
    Image & Video Interpretation & Understanding Document Analysis & Processing
    Stereoscopic, Multi-view, and 3D Processing
    Image & Video Quality Models
    Motion Estimation, Registration, & Fusion Deep Learning for Images & Videos
    Learning with Limited Labels
    Image & Video Analysis
    Detection, Recognition, Retrieval, & Classification
    Biometrics, Forensics, & Security
    Image Processing for Public Health & Safety
    Biomedical & Biological Image Processing Trustworthy AI
    Explainable AI
    AI-Powered Image & Video Processing
    Emerging Applications & Systems
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2024-11-16
Coeficiente de Aceptación
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