Conference Information
ICUMT 2017: International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems
Submission Date:
2017-07-24 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Munich, Germany
QUALIS: b4   Viewed: 16041   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The ICUMT 2017 is an IEEE technically co-sponsored (approved) premier annual international congress providing an open forum for researchers, engineers, network planners and service providers in telecommunications, control systems and robotics targeted on newly emerging systems, standards, services, and applications.

The ICUMT 2017 congress will consist of open call sessions, workshops, industrial panels and exhibitions.


ICUMT 2017 will consist of two tracks, Telecommunications Track (ICUMT-T), and Control Systems, Automation and Robotics Track (ICUMT-CS). Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Telecommunications track (ICUMT-T)

Next Generation Wireless Systems and Services

    3GPP Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA)
    Femto Cells
    IMS and IMS-based services
    Mobility, handoff protocols and management
    Device-to-device communications

Wireless Access Technologies and related systems and protocols

    Next generation 802.11 and 802.15 including mesh, PAN, BAN, etc.
    Ultra-wideband communications (UWB)
    Underwater communications

Green Communications

    Energy-efficient networking
    Energy-efficient circuits, devices and transmission technologies
    Energy efficiency of data centers and intelligent cloud computing
    Cross-layer optimizations to minimize energy consumption on a network scale
    Cognitive, cooperative and reconfigurable networks
    Protocols and protocol extensions for energy efficient networks
    Network load balance and smart information storage
    Remote power management for wireless terminals and access networks
    Hierarchical and distributed techniques for energy management
    Harvesting distributed energy generation
    Smart Grid
    Information theory on energy efficiency
    Energy evaluation and comparison of different network technologies
    Novel network concepts and architectures lowering the overall footprint of ICT
    Estimation and evaluation of the worldwide footprint of ICT
    Regulation and standardization
    Deployment, trial experience, business models and applications

Low-layer Wireless technologies

    Cognitive Radio Networks and Systems
    Spectrum sensing and spectrum management
    Dynamic spectrum access
    Cooperation and Game-Theoretical Protocols for Cognitive Radios
    Software defined radio
    Cross-Layer Protocol Design
    Regulations and standards
    Cooperative communications and networking
    Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions
    MIMO and multi-antenna communications
    Multi-carrier access schemes such as OFDMA, MC-CDMA, DFTS-OFDM, IFDMA, OFDM-IDMA

Information and coding theory

    Coding for noisy channels and erasure channels
    Source coding and data compression
    Joint source-channel coding
    Network coding and coding for multi-terminal systems
    Cooperation, competition and cognition in wireless networks

Internet of Things

    Interoperability in IoT
    Security and privacy issues in IoT
    Industrial IoT

Digital Broadcasting Technologies and Services

    System architectures
    Security in broadcast and multicast communications
    Internet broadcasting
    Mobile broadcasting and mobile TV
    Emerging standards, e.g., DVB-S2, DVB-RCS, DVB-H, DVB-T, MediaFLO services and applications

Pervasive computing and smart environment

    RFID and Sensor Network Technologies
    Architecture and platforms
    Distributed and pervasive services
    Personal and body networks, wearable computing
    Semantic analysis
    Business models
    Digital Home Network Technologies

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

    Vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-roadside communications
    Intra-vehicle communications
    Vehicle-to-Internet communications
    Mobility and vehicular traffic models
    Information collection and dissemination
    Analytical and simulation techniques
    Experimental systems and field operational testing
    Safety and non-safety related applications
    Recent standardization efforts and problems (e.g. 802.11p)
    Overview of the activities and status of the ongoing projects
    Deployment strategies and predictions

P2P technologies

    Advances in theoretical foundations of P2P
    Security, trust and reputation in P2P
    Performance analysis of P2P systems, applications and services
    Quality of experience in P2P systems
    Mobile P2P
    P2P for sensors
    Economic, business models and charging mechanisms in P2P
    Legal and regulatory issues

Social Networks

    Computational Aspects of Social Network
    Network evolution and growth mechanisms
    Network geography
    Search in network
    Security, data protection inside communities
    Evaluation and benchmarking

e-Commerce, Mobile Commerce, e-Government, e-Learning and e-Health

    Bio-inspired/Bio-oriented Networks
    Body-area networks
    Wireless telemedicine and E-health services

General IP-based wired and wireless networking issues (including routing, e2e QoS, performance evaluation, transport layer optimization etc.)

 Location techniques and location-based services LBS

 Broadband Satellite and HAPS (High Altitude Platform Station) Technologies

 Information Security Technologies

 Web Technologies

 Multimedia & Internet Systems, Services and Standards

 Mobile Internet, Internet Telephony (VoIP, MoIP) and IPTV

 Network Management, Operation and Maintenance

Optical Networking Technologies and Applications

Open Programmable Networks and Active Networks

Communication Network Topology and Planning

User experience and usability studies in ICT

Systems & Software Engineering Aspects

GRID, Distributed Computing Technologies and Services

IT Services Technologies

Control Systems, Automation and Robotics track (ICUMT-CS)

Control Systems

    Adaptive control
    Robust control
    Process control
    Complex systems
    Mechatronic systems
    Co-operative control
    Identification and estimation
    Nonlinear systems
    Intelligent systems
    Hybrid systems
    Networked control systems
    Neural networks
    Fuzzy systems
    Genetic algorithms
    Evolutionary computation and control
    Precision motion control
    Control applications
    Control engineering education

Robotics and Automation

    Robot design, development and control
    Human-robots interfaces
    Mobile robots and autonomous systems
    Human augmentation and shared control
    Space and underwater robot
    Telerobotics and Teleoperation
    Industrial networks and automation
    Multi-agent systems
    Intelligent warehouses
    Modeling, simulation and architectures
    Vision, recognition and reconstruction
    Virtual Reality
    Control and supervision systems
    Instrumentation systems
    Biomedical instrumentation and applications
    Web-based control
    Autonomous agents
    Petri nets
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-07-22
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