Conference Information
ISPDC 2024: International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Bucharest, Romania
CORE: c   QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 22251   Tracked: 14   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts in the form or short (5 pages) or full papers (8 pages) that present original and unpublished research as well oral communications (1-4 pages description) about previously published work, position papers, and results from R&D projects in all areas of parallel and distributed computing and applications. The ISPDC 2024 conference scope is focused on, but not limited to, the following topics:

Efficient Support for the Computing Continuum (combining HPC, Cloud and Edge Computing)

    Cloud Resource Provisioning and Allocation
    Pricing of Cloud Resources
    Cloud Performance and Capacity Management
    Green Cloud Computing
    Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
    Storage Architectures for Clouds and Big Data Processing
    Distributed Data Centers
    Fog Computing and Networking architectures
    Edge-Cloud Interactions and Enabling Protocols
    Edge Resource Management
    Edge Data Analytics
    Edge Caching
    Collaborative Computing
    Web Services and Internet Computing
    Multi-agent Systems
    Real-time and Reactive Distributed and Parallel Systems
    System and Service Management

Algorithms and Models for Large Scale Applications

    Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification
    Model Checking for Parallel Computing
    Algorithms for Data Science, Data Exploration and Graph Analytics
    Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs
    GPU Programming
    Bio-Inspired and Nature-Inspired Parallel Algorithms
    Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for Deep Learning
    Social Networks
    Scalable Algorithms and Applications
    Urban Networks and Applications
    Vehicular Networks
    Parallel, Distributed Big-Data Management
    Smart Applications
    Visualization of Massively Parallel Data
    Decentralized Artificial Intelligence

Architectures and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing

    Methods and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming Design and Analysis
    Multi-Cores, Clusters and Grid Computing
    Architectures and Software for In-Memory Computing
    Systems Architectures for Graph Computing/Processing
    Innovative Systems Architectures for Big Data Processing
    Network Architectures for HPC and Data Centers

Performance Modeling, Analysis and Evaluation for Parallel and Distributed Systems

    Scheduling and Load Balancing
    Resource Management
    Execution Control Optimization
    Performance Modeling, Management and Optimization
    QoS in Distributed Systems
    Energy Efficiency
    Green and Sustainable Computing

Security and Privacy in Parallel and Distributed Systems

    Cloud Security and Privacy
    Virtualization-based Security
    Operating System Level Security
    Data Security and Privacy in Social Networks
    Security of Distributed IoT Systems
    Penetration Testing of Distributed Applications
    Security Tools for Distributed Applications (Programming Languages, Compilers, Analysis Tools etc.)
    Security and Privacy of Distributed Mobile Applications
    Network Security and Isolation
    Adversary Emulation
    Applied Cryptography
    Isolation Techniques
    Applications of Machine Learning in Distributed Systems Security
    Machine Learning Models for Malware Detection
    Big Data Techniques for Security Reasoning
    Data Anonymity and Privacy
    Software Defined Networks

Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers

    Distributed Consensus
    Transaction Throughput and Scalability Issues
    Decentralized Application Development using Smart Contracts
    Asset Tracking and Financial Services
    Blockchain and Energy Systems

Mobile and Embedded Computing

    Parallel Embedded Systems Programming
    Highly Embedded Parallel Systems Support for Programming
    FPGA and SoC/NoC Solutions
    Embedded, Mobile and Network Environments
    Mobile and Ubiquitous Distributed Computing
    Mobile Data Management
    Mobile Clouds
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-31
Acceptance Ratio
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