Conference Information
FUSION 2024: International Conference on Information Fusion
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Venice, Italy
CORE: c   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 25930   Tracked: 5   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
Topics of Interest

The topics below are to be read within the context of sensor fusion and/or data fusion and/or information fusion.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Theory and Representation:

Probability theory, Bayesian inference, statistical-relational learning, representation learning, graph-based fusion models (both graph neural networks and shallow models), argumentation, Dempster-Shafer theory, possibility and fuzzy set theory, rough sets, knowledge representation and reasoning, ontologies/semantics, logic-based representations, decision theory, random sets, finite point processes and others.


Multi-modal information fusion (e.g., image, video, audio, text etc.), machine learning and artificial intelligence,  soft fusion/natural language processing and Large Language Models, cognitive methods, sequential inference, data mining, pattern/behavioral analysis, signal processing and localization, recognition, classification, identification, nonlinear filtering, data association, tracking, prediction, situation/impact assessment, alignment and registration, fusion architectures, resource management (incl. reinforcement learning for resource management and fusion process refinement), contextual adaptation, anomaly/change/novelty detection.

System Applications and Systemic Issues:

Soft-hard fusion, autonomous systems (incl. autonomous vehicles and drones), distributed systems, cloud/edge computing/fusion, defense/security, robotics, aerospace, intelligent transportation, mining/manufacturing, environmental monitoring, earth observation/satellite monitoring, climate monitoring, precision agriculture, disaster response, wireless sensor networks, economics, fintech, e-health, bioinformatics, critical infrastructure protection, condition monitoring, video streaming, embodied AI, and other emerging applications. Integrated system design challenges and aspects of system control, management, and realization of synergistic behavior with Information Fusion and system processes.

Human in the Loop Applications:

User refinement/human-in-the-loop fusion (incorporating human input and feedback into the fusion process) and intelligent user interfaces for fusion systems, information fusion for decision support.

Test and Evaluation:

Trust in fusion systems, explainability and uncertainty of fusion processes, computational methods, formal methods for fusion performance, benchmarks/testbeds.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-11-12
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