Conference Information
CiSE 2025: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering
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Conference Date:
Sanya, China
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Call For Papers
 The 15th Int'l Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CISE 2025) will be held in Sanya, China on Ja nuary 4-6, 2025. You are invited to submit papers and participate in our academic exchange. 

Topics: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:

Computational Intelligence

Artificial Neural Networks
Evolutionary Computation
Fuzzy Systems
Swarm Intelligence
Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Bayesian Networks
Expert Systems
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Data Mining
Computational Intelligence in Robotics
Computational Game Theory
Computational Intelligence in Optimization
Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics
Computational Intelligence in Finance
Computational Intelligence in Healthcare
Computational Intelligence in Internet of Things (IoT)

Software Engineering

Agile Software Development
Autonomic and Self-Managed Software
Computer-Supported Collaborative Work
Component-based Software Engineering
Configuration Management and Deployment
Dependendability, Safety and Reliability
Distributed, Web-Based and Internet-Scale SE
Empirical Software Engineering
End-User Software Engineering
Engineering Secure Software
Feature Interaction and Generative Programming
Human and Social Aspects
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering9
Mobile, Embedded and Real-Time Systems
Model-driven Software Engineering
Patterns and Frameworks
Processes and Workflow
Program Comprehension and Visualization
Requirements Engineering
Reengineering and Reverse Engineering
Quality and Performance
Software Architecture and Design
Software Economics and Metrics
Software Evolution
Software Maintenance
Software Policy and Ethics
Software Reuse
Software Specifications
Testing and Analysis
Theory and Formal Methods
Tools and Environments
Validation and Verification
Cloud, P2P and Mobile Computing 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-05-27
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