Conference Information
NoF 2024: International Conference on the Network of the Future
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Conference Date:
Barcelona, Spain
Viewed: 19570   Tracked: 4   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Internet has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, driven by high-performance computing, programmable network equipment, and the emergence of new generation services.The 15th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF) is inviting authors to submit original contributions in the area of Future Internet design, with emphasis on enabling and cutting-edge technologies from the perspectives of specification,  design and  analysis related to  network of future architecture, applications, services, management, programmability,  sustainability, scalability, security standardization, business and legal aspects, just to name a few.

The  conference  aims  at  providing  a  forum  for  researchers,  students, and professionals  to  exchange ideas,  share  their experiences,  and discuss their research results  around a single-track  of technical sessions  and a series  of keynote speeches.

NoF 2024 will take place in the beautiful town of Castelldefels in Spain, a cozy and relaxing beach town famous for its large 5 km coastline, and located only few kilometers south of Barcelona.

NoF 2024 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, all accepted and presented papers will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


    5G and Beyond (5GB) networks
    6G networks
    Virtual networks and networking for cloud computing
    Overlay networks
    Intermittently connected networks
    Wireless networks and cellular networks
    Wireless sensor networks
    Access, metro, backbone and core networks
    Next-generation carrier-grade networks
    Vehicular ad hoc networks and intelligent transportation systems
    Communications and applications for unmanned aerial vehicles
    Mesh and ad hoc networks
    Internet of Things networks and IoT-assisted wireless networks
    Information-centric networks
    Enterprise networks and campus networks
    Time-sensitive networks
    Data center networks
    Optical networks
    IP networks
    Home networks
    SCADA networks and distributed control systems
    Smart cities and smart grids
    Resilient networks
    Sustainable and inclusive networks
    Industrial and smart manufacturing networks
    Communication and computing infrastructures for disaster management
    Communication infrastructures for AR/VR/XR/metaverse computing
    Energy efficiency in networks
    Edge and fog computing/networking
    Centralized-RAN, Could-RAN, and Fog-RAN architectures


    Quality of service and traffic engineering
    Network artificial intelligence, machine learning and reasoning
    Network data analytics, anomaly detection, feature extraction
    Network automation and orchestration
    Zero-touch Networks
    Autonomic, cognitive and intent-based Networking
    5GB/6G Network architecture, services and protocols
    5GB/G6 control and management architecture
    5GB/6G functional decomposition and composition
    Advanced 5GB infrastructure slicing and radio slicing
    Scalability and multi-tenancy in 5GB
    Network programmability and softwarization
    Protocols for ultra-Llw latency and ultra-high reliability
    Fog, Edge and Multi-Access Computing
    Software Defined Networking (SDN) 
    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Orchestration
    Service function chaining and virtual network embedding
    Big data and fast data processing and management
    CDN architectures and network cache allocation schemes
    Advanced multimedia and real-time communications
    Performance, optimization and resource allocation
    Security, Trust and Privacy
    Use of Blockchains in networking and servicing
    Energy-aware networking
    Delay/Disruption-tolerant networking 

Business and Legal Aspects

    Economic aspects
    Multi-stakeholder aspects
    Service level agreements
    Lifecycle aspects
    Process and workflow aspects
    Legal perspective
    Regulatory perspective
    Privacy aspects


    Mathematical optimization
    Control theory
    Probability theory, stochastic processes, and queueing theory
    Machine/Reinforcement/Federated/Deep learning and artificial intelligence
    Evolutionary algorithms
    Economic theory and game theory
    Mathematical logic and automated reasoning
    Data mining and (big) data analysis
    Monitoring and measurements
    Computer simulation experiments
    Prototype implementation and testbed experimentation
    Field trials
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-25
Acceptance Ratio
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