Journal Information
Kinetics and Catalysis
Impact Factor:
Pleiades Publishing
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Kinetics and Catalysis is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical and experimental research on homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and the mechanisms and kinetics of noncatalytic chemical processes in gaseous, liquid, and solid phases. Other topics are as follows: catalysis stimulated by external actions, such as photochemical, radiation-induced, sonochemical, and mechanochemical catalysis; theoretical and practical aspects of catalyst preparation; physicochemical methods for characterization of catalysts and studying catalytic and noncatalytic processes; adsorption and chemisorption processes in heterogeneous catalysis; poisoning and deactivation of catalysts; quantum chemical calculations in kinetics and catalysis; computer modeling and simulations in kinetics and catalysis. The journal also publishes critical reviews of contemporary research in kinetics and catalysis. The journal welcomes original submissions in English from all countries, as well as translated works. The peer review policy of the journal is independent of the manuscript source, ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation process for all submissions.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-21
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