Journal Information
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
Call For Papers
IJTEL focuses on promoting and disseminating research in e-learning and distance education worldwide. It encourages multidisciplinary research in online learning/teaching, technology-enabled design and deployment of academic programmes, teaching projects and initiatives, emerging technologies and applications, blended online and face-to-face teaching modes, materials and pedagogy. IJTEL aims: to provide holistic, multidisciplinary discussion on technology-enhanced learning research; to promote international collaboration and the exchange of ideas/know-how on technology-enhanced learning; and to investigate strategies on how technology-enhanced learning can promote sustainable development.

Topics covered include

    Technology enhanced learning (TEL) domain
    Key issues: effective strategies, learning models/theories
    ICT deployment in education: policy, integration, extensibility, interoperability
    Pedagogical theories/models, constructivist approaches
    Collaborative/context aware/personalised approaches
    Communities of learners
    Web 2.0, semantic web
    Adaptive/personalised hypermedia, metadata/content standards
    Free/open source software, ubiquitous/pervasive/grid technologies
    Intelligent agents, learning management systems, emerging technologies
    TEL practices in different educational/learning contexts
    Surveys of TEL adoption in education
    TEL tools/emerging technologies, new generation TEL
    Government policies for TEL promotion
    Challenges, future of TEL, roadmaps for the future

Technology Enhanced Learning: An Emerging Episteme

    The technology enhanced learning domain: philosophical routes, demonstration of various communities, success stories, lessons learned
    Technology enhanced learning key issues: effective strategies, learning models and theories
    Deployment of ICTs in education, policy issues of TEL, integration issues, extensibility, interoperability

Technology Enhanced Learning: The Theories

    Pedagogical theories and models of TEL
    Constructivist approaches to TEL
    Collaborative/context aware/personalised TEL approaches
    Communities of learners and TEL

Technology Enhanced Learning: The Technologies

    Web 2.0 and TEL
    Semantic web and TEL
    Adaptive and personalised hypermedia for TEL
    Metadata and content standards and TEL
    Free and open source software for TEL
    Ubiquitous and pervasive technologies for TEL
    Intelligent agents for TEL
    Learning management systems
    Emerging technologies
    Grid technologies for learning

Technology Enhanced Learning: The Practices

    TEL practices in different educational/learning contexts
    Surveys of TEL adoption in education
    Future of TEL

Technology Enhanced Learning: The Applications in Domains

    TEL tools/emerging technologies and new generation TEL
    Challenges for the future; specification of government policies for the promotion of TEL in education
    Roadmaps for the future


Technology enhanced learning is the best term to describe the domain of knowledge society technologies as applied in the learning context. "Learning for anyone, at any time, at any place" is the motto. With the shift towards the knowledge society, the change of working conditions and the high-speed evolution of information and communication technologies, peoples' knowledge and skills need continuous updating.

Learning, based on collaborative working, creativity, multidisciplinary, adaptiveness, intercultural communication and problem solving, has taken on an important role in everyday life. The learning process is becoming pervasive, both for individuals and organisations, in formal education, in the professional context and as part of leisure activities. Learning should be accessible to every citizen, independent of age, education, social status and tailored to his/her individual needs. To meet these social challenges is a leading issue of research on the use of technology to support learning (e.g. The Technology Enhanced Learning Action within the 7th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development).

In the context of the knowledge society, the focus of research in this area has been set on applications of technologies for user-centered learning, building on the concept of human learning and on sound pedagogical principles, with the key objectives to be:

    To increase the efficiency of learning for individuals, groups
    To facilitate transfer and sharing of knowledge in organisations
    To contribute to a deeper understanding of the learning process by exploring links between human learning, cognition and technologies
    To promote humanistic visions for a better world based on open learning for all


IJTEL aims to establish value-adding knowledge transfer and personal development channels in three distinctive areas: academia, industry and government, which summarise the three pillars where a new scientific publication can play a significant role.


IJTEL publishes original research papers providing significant results, and also short communications about innovative ideas and news, announcements and reviews regarding the topics of the journal. IJTEL is an international journal; country-specific studies are considered valuable only if the local practice instantiates an issue or question that pertains to technology-enhanced learning in general. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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