Journal Information
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (COMST)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials is a ComSoc publication. It provides researchers and other communications professionals with the ideal venue for publishing on-line tutorials and surveys which are exposed to an unlimited global audience. It is available online through the IEEE Xplore Electronic Library.We are now looking for contributions for all future issues. Topics of interest include all areas of communications and networking, including but not limited to:

    Communication Networking, and Networking Technology, Applications, and Services
    Telecommunications Switching and Routing
    Wireless and Mobile Networks, including Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
    Machine Learning for Networking and Communications
    Quantum Communications/Computing/Networking
    Green Communications and Networking
    Lightwave Technologies and Optical Networking
    Cyber Security, Trust, and Privacy in Communication Networking
    Coding, Equalization, Detection, and Timing Recovery for Digital Data Storage Channels
    Network Management
    Traffic Engineering
    Performance Modeling, Simulations, Test-Beds and Experimentations
    Bio- and Nano-networking
    Semantic Communications
    Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G
    Web 3.0/Semantic Web
    Underwater Communications and Networking
    Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
    Multimedia Communications over Wireless and Multimedia Services
    Softwarization, Virtualization and Cloud Continuum in Communication Networks
    Energy Efficient Communication Systems
    Full-duplex Wireless Communication and Networking
    Digital Twin/Cyber Physical Systems
    THz Communication and Networking
    Emerging Topics in Communications and Networks

Submission Instructions

Please submit articles to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials via the IEEE Author Portal.

Please email any questions to the Editor-In-Chief:

Dusit (Tao) Niyato
IEEE Fellow
Nanyang Technological University
Block N4-02a-32, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
Tel: 65-6790-4121
Department Fax: 65-6792-6559


For detailed instructions on paper preparation and submission, please refer to the Information for Authors.
There are no limits on paper length, number of figures, references, etc.
Required formats for electronic submission is PDF.


Manuscripts due: On a continuing basis.
Notification of acceptance: Upon completion of review process. The first round of reviews takes typically around 8 - 12 weeks.
Publication date: Fast-posting at IEEE Xplore, typically, in the First Quarter following acceptance of the article.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-24
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