Journal Information
Call For Papers
International Journal for Light and Electron Optics

Optik publishes articles on all subjects related to light and electron optics and offers a survey on the state of research and technical development within the following fields:


    Optics design, geometrical and beam optics, wave optics
    Optical and micro-optical components, diffractive optics, devices and systems
    Photoelectric and optoelectronic devices
    Optical properties of materials, nonlinear optics, wave propagation and transmission in homogeneous and inhomogeneous materials
    Information optics, image formation and processing, holographic techniques, microscopes and spectrometer techniques, and image analysis
    Optical testing and measuring techniques
    Optical communication and computing
    Physiological optics
    As well as other related topics.

Electron optics:

    All methods strongly related to light optics, e.g. geometrical electron optics, imaging theories and methods, GRIN optics, geometrical aberration
    Instrumentation and equipments for guiding, focusing and imaging of charged particles, spectrometers and beam lithography
    Image reconstruction and analysis, holographic methods

It publishes original papers and short notes on theoretical and experimental research in English. OPTIK addresses itself especially to scientific and technical working specialists in this field.

Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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